Who's got some pierciengs? Where and why?
I only have my ears conventionally pierced, but the subject of piercings in other areas came up. Who wants to share where their piercings are and why that location. And, what is it like having that piercing? More pleasure? More attention? More confidence? Perfect for shocking parents or others?
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85 Answers
I only have my earlobes done, and I waited until I was 21 to get them and then keep them.
Earlobes – they are too small and too sensitive for clip-on earrings, so if I want to wear earrings I gotta do it through the earlobe.
For anyone currently reading the booger thread… I obviously have a nose ring (not a bull ring or anything, just a stud in the left side of my nose). I’ve had it for about 6 years and love it. I don’t think I’ll ever take it out. I wear a very small crystal in it (I hate gaudy nose rings that are too “noticeable” – mine is for me, not to get other people’s attention) and most people don’t even realize I have it unless I mention it.
It is kind of funny when people finally notice it though. When I got it I was 15. My mom took me. I thought my dad would freak when we got home (she didn’t tell him ahead of time), but… he didn’t notice for at least a month. And one of my roommates was recently talking to me about how “trashy” nose rings were… until I was like, “My nose is pierced” – we’ve lived together for about 4 months and she had no idea.
Funny you bring this up, I was asking my wife the other day if she thought I was too old to have a belly button ring. I got the thing about 15 years ago, when my stomach was a little tighter and I had fun showing off my body. Plus, it was the early 90s, that’s just what people did. Now, I just keep it there out of habit. I rarely even think about it. I pierced my nose at 14, but it bothered me so much I took it out a few months later. I pierced my eyebrow at 19, but it was ripped out at a concert about a year and a half later. My ears are gauged, but they are small and I wear studs so they look like regular piercings.
I’m just a tattoo and piercing kinda gal. I like the way it looks, and though I would probably never do it myself, I am fascinated by people who are heavy into body modification, especially piercing. I envy them. They obviously have decided that fitting in and playing the game is ridiculous, and they live their lives as such.
My ears were pierced, and gauged, but i took them out, grew out of it. Right now the only thing that is still pierced is my left nipple.(i pierced the right one as well, but i pierced it too close to the surface and it ripped in half, oh well. It healed)
Interesting answers. Uber, for some reason I didn’t peg you as a piercer.
i was going to go for a prince albert, but i didnt have the balls ;)
I shot myself in the calf with a nailgun one time. That was an accident
@uberbatman: One of my friends has a prince albert and loves it. He talks about it a lot, which can be uncomfortable at times…
@dlm812 the whole no sex for so long thing is kinda a bummer, i couldnt last.
Umm, what, prey tell, is an Uncle Albert, or Herb Alpert?
auggie is sure taking a long time…this must be very good
My brother has had his eyebrow done twice – same spot, cartilage pierced on his right ear, both nipples and his frenum (the naughty one). And he only got his ear done because he felt awkward asking just for his junk to get pierced.
He felt the need to correct and accurately portray his piercings to fluther as I wrote this.
Oh, and he plans on getting more.
Lots more.
Thanks for sharing, As’s bro.
@btb: You bet he does….
@Sueanne_Tremendous the prince
Oh i forgot to answer why, i got my ears just because and my nipple was done because i had a big needle handy and my girlfriend asked if she could pierce it. Then i decided to pierce the other myself down the road. I did however lose feelings in both nipples, not that its a big deal or anything.
It looks like that poor penis is trying to lift barbells.
I had 4 in my left ear (3 lobe, 1 cartilage), but one of my lobe peircings closed up. I just have 1 lobe piercing in my right ear. Originally I wanted double piercings in both ears, which I got when I was 13. Almost immediately the second hole on the right closed up. Rather than have it redone, I decided I liked being the only person I knew with 2 in one ear and 1 in the other. At the time, no one did that on purpose :) In my thirties I finally got up the courage to have the cartilege piercing done. Later, when my daughter was getting her cartilege pierced, I took the other half of the set of studs and had a third lobe piercing (which then closed up). I don’t know why I bother having any at all since I rarely wear jewelry of any kind!
Why yes, mo – that sums it right up.
Oh dear lord Uber! I don’t have Mr Cock but that sure seems like it would be way uncomfortable!
Back atcha’ As baby.
he’s a determined little penis, I can do it…I can dooooo itttttt!
chugga chugga chugga, i think i can. i think i can!
he just needs a helping hand, then he’ll be right up ;)
Ummm…frankly I don’t think I would let a cock near me with little barbells or a ring sticking out of the tip. I can’t imagine that feels good for the person being entered.
This all reminds me of a little joke: One day a foot and a penis were having a little chat. the foot says to the penis “You wouldn’t believe what he does to me every day. He puts me in a dark sock and then shoves me in a shoe and walks around all day on me. I sweat and I stink and I hurt like hell”. The penis replies: “You think that’s bad? The idiot puts me in a rubber suit and shoves me in a tight dark hole and makes me do jumping jacks until I throw-up”.
From what i heard it does. Ya know ribbed for her pleasure ;)
we should always support those that need a hand up
If I were younger, I’d totally have my eyebrow pierced, and maybe a nipple (though I’d hate to lose the feeling in that!) But no needles in the hoo-hah, thankyouverymuch. Had enough of that in childbirth…ouch!
Try this on for size!
Not my peen. Just…you know in case you’re wondering.
wow…pretty good for your first post King. I can’t believe someone would do that for a woman or for a man. How does that conversation go: Ummm, honey? Would you have ball bearing inserted under the skin on the shaft of your cock?”
My peen??? Oh dear god, I’m going to choke with laughter. I can’t wait to use that at work: “Hey John! How’s your PEEN?
Why sure Sueanne sweetcheeks; anything for you Baby!
I sooooo knew this question would turn into BME
Or it might go something like, “Hey baby, you know I think your cock is greaaat, but what if it was shaped more like my vibrator? Wouldn’t that be fun?”
ooh, and KingMalefic, why only share just one? Why not them all? (warning: don’t look if you’re squeamish – oh hey, maybe that’s why he just linked to the one pict – now i get it!)
“Honey thats great lets put balls all over my body to pleasure you.”
BME? I’m almost afraid to ask
Hey! I’ve used peen before and you never snorted! I’m offended.
Now, I have to go slap KingMalefic before he leaves here.
Body Modification Extreme
<<wiping vomit from corners of mouth>> Lachica, that was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. Is that outer labia thing some sort of self inflicted chastity ring?
I just wrote a country song called:
Needle in the Hoo-Haa
I ain’t never gonna get me
a needle in the hoo-haa
I heard tell
That it’s just this side of hell
that needle in the hoo-haa
Now my old man said
that he love to give me head
if I had a needle in the hoo-haa…
Inspired by Auggielan
And then you crashed your truck, lost your dog and your wife died.
Poor Sueanne.
needle in the hoo-haa ftw LOL
@bythebay : isn’t it though? how could i keep that image all to myself? about the chastity thing though – i have no effing idea!
@Sueanne_Tremendous : THAT’S IT!! Quit your day job, we’re sending you out on tour. Sueanne and the Needle in the Hoo-Haa Tour.
I’ll take you up on that BtB!
I’ll be your tour manager. I better try and sleep now, I think I’ll need my rest for this task.
is this going to be like the vagina monologues but EXTREME!?
@uberbatman : You know it! We’re going to open the show with asmonet saying pancake in every language…slowly…
sounds like a really messy show…...IM IN! ;)
Wow… I went to study for just a little bit and apparently missed ALL of the excitement. Boo.
I go to store for foods… and come back and asmonet beat me to BME.
Has anyone mentioned about corset pierciengs link
@KingMalefic i think they are kind of pointless since they can only stay in for a short period of time. Seems like a bit of a waste no?
Is it wrong that I think corset piercing is kinda’ sexy?
There was a question about this a while ago. Maybe from syz.
I agree with Aug, I find them sexy.
@uberbatman : I suppose most are purely cosmetic temperoraly, but they can be permanent. But like all percings some reject depending on body and how badly you want them.
But as pointless I wouldn’t say that, thats like saying suspenion is totally pointless as well.
@KingMalefic fair enough. I just wouldnt want to go through all that pain for something i have to take out. Suspension is a totally different animal in itself.
What exactly is the point of suspension? I have never understood that one.
@uberbatman : True, for me its kind of like this Tattoos hurt and are very permanent, very hard to get rid of. So many people thinking that would be great only to really hate it a year later or so.
On the same note one of the thrills of getting them is in that pain and addiction the end result just like in some cultures rites of passage. In relation to that statement in piercings for me there is that pain its kinda of addicting/painful/pleasurable all depending but easier to remove should I ever wanna get rid of it.
Plus I don’t have that kind of cash for all the tattoos I would get, my family would kill me, and I would probably change my mind a year later wanting something new and different.
Corsets are sexy.
@augustlan: Suspension releases endorphins, lots of other things, the pain brings about a certain mental state…all sorts of physical changes happen chemically. Go to youtube and watch some videos of people talking about it, they’ll do a better job than me. :)
I can’t watch it…I always feel like their skin is just going to rip apart. Which of course makes my skin crawl.
I have both of my ears pierced twice and I’m probably going to get another piercing in my right ear, higher up, in the cartilage. I also have my belly button (not to show off, I don’t dress like that, it’s for me because I like it), and I had my tongue pierced like this: http://www.handforhealth.com/images/guy_tongue_piercing.jpg but I had smaller gems instead of just the metal balls, and mine was a little farther back. Tongue piercing came out though, and it closed right away which made me sad because I loved it. I don’t think I’d get it pierced again, just because it hurt pretty damn bad. I want another piercing but I don’t know where yet.
By the way: My ex has his penis pierced, and no, it doesn’t hurt upon entry. Just FYI since people brought it up…
Repiercing through the scar tissue can be quite painful, did it on my eyebrow. Though I really liked it, I am hesitant to do it a third time. Especially now since I can not have certain piercings on my face to due my job.
Actually, skin is very hard to tear or rip, very easy to cut. So no worries, it won’t. :)
I know that, in my brain…but my skin doesn’t quite believe it ;)
My daughter pierced her belly button then had 2 kids. She loves showing teen girls how ugly a belly piercing can get when stretched out by pregnancy. Not a pretty sight.
Put on your TMI-sensitive sunglasses.
I have a PA. A friend of mine, multiply pierced, recommended it highly, and I was considering it for a while, but put it off because I was in a relationship with a man who thought it was gross. After we split up, I decided that it was my body, damnit, and I was going to do something I wanted to do with it.
I must say that my multiply-pierced friend did not exaggerate.
@cwilbur : That was the arguments I had along the ways with lots of people, but it came down to if I wanted to try then let me. I have had my wonderful high moments and some low ones snag but over all I have enjoyed them and should I ever care to let go of them they can be retired so very effortlessly.
I might say this in general. Some people don’t like piercings, some shouldn’t get them where they do, and some pull it off and others are indifferent or wont have anything to do with it, and some just love them.
Our bodies all change, weather it be dumb choices, bad luck, mother natures ever ticking clock, like a river flowing thru land one day it will be a beautifully carved canyon.
Would like to have a choice on how the canyon may look from time to time. For those who come and stay are the ones that love to see where the water travels thru it.
Lets us have one more avenue of uniqueness.
Or i maybe completely off my rocker and in need of more caffeine and sleep.
Judi, don’t encourage him. Please.
My Big-Toe
It went to the market
I have my lip peirced on the right bottom side. I love the lip ring, it makes me different and it was something done for me.
I have 18 pierings on both my ears total. Also I have gauged ears to a size 0. And I’m still conisdering getting my collar bones periced.
Each piercing I have a find different and something that makes me me. If you get a piercing make sure its for you !:D
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