General Question

Spargett's avatar

Have you noticed all the eBay usernames using this format: "b***r"?

Asked by Spargett (5398points) January 15th, 2009

I’ve been seeing dozens of users with the same format username, which is a letter followed by three asterisk, then another letter.

Is there something I don’t know about? Here’s an example.

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9 Answers

cage's avatar

Maybe they all have swear word as names…
b***r could be bugur, a retard-phonetical version of bugger?

Sounds like a conspiracy

jrpowell's avatar

From here

“To protect your privacy, we limit how your bid history information is displayed by using anonymous names. Your complete user ID is shown to the seller of this item only. Bidders are assigned anonymous names, such as x***y. These anonymous names are used consistently across all listings.”

tennesseejac's avatar

it doesn’t let you know the full username to keep people’s identity a secret

Spargett's avatar

Whew, for a second I thought I was going to have to start bidding on some Clozapine. Hah.

cage's avatar

Just wait til you see one that says c**t or b*****d or s**t etc :)

tennesseejac's avatar

@Spargett h**y f**k was exactly what I was thinking when I first saw that, I thought the * was the new cool thing or something

jrpowell's avatar

Hopefully saranwrapper gets c**t if someone has to.

read the link before attacking me.. it is a joke.

Cardinal's avatar

The hattheHel thing has been going on a long time.

Grisson's avatar

. o O ( f**k = firetruck? )

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