General Question

LKidKyle1985's avatar

What if lurve was used for something?

Asked by LKidKyle1985 (6599points) January 15th, 2009

So I had a cool idea. Instead of making lurve pointless, wouldn’t it be cool if we had characters on fluther, kind of like neo pets, and we used lurve to get different kind of things or abilities for our characters. I dunno can you guys think of any fun ways to use lurve?

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39 Answers

RandomMrdan's avatar

lurve is suppose to be intangible…just like loving people. I don’t think anyone should be able to cash in lurve for anything. Why can’t we just lurve for lurve’s sake!?

flameboi's avatar

I have sugested that maybe we could cash it or something lol

LKidKyle1985's avatar

dan you are really trying too hard for lurve points

RandomMrdan's avatar

@LKidKyle1985 doesn’t everyone want to be lurved?

LKidKyle1985's avatar

stop it I’m for serious

EmpressPixie's avatar

It would ruin the site. Seriously.

The possibility of tangible rewards leads to gaming. While the mods would try to keep it down, people will find a way to cheat if they they they’ll get something from it. People would be less free flowing with the lurve. It would just be a big mess.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

commeee on lets think outside the box. I know it will ruin it but if you could use it for something what would you wanna use it for

RandomMrdan's avatar

If I had to use it for something…I’d use it for one of these.

Grisson's avatar

Making lurve should result in burbies.

AstroChuck's avatar

Lurve is lurve. I like things as they are.

Jamspoon's avatar

My god Grisson! It seems at the very moment I decided to give you some lurve for your reply somebody else did as well, at the very same time!


Grisson's avatar

@Jamspoon LOL Wonder what the urfspring will look like?

miasmom's avatar

it could be like Chuck E Cheese…10,000 lurve gets you a piece of crap toy

augustlan's avatar

No No No!

But if I had to, I’d buy the t-shirt, too.

fireside's avatar

How about one of these?

Probably take a lot of lurve though, maybe 50,000?

KrystaElyse's avatar

I want to be lurved :’(

KrystaElyse's avatar

@asmonet – Yay! I feel so luuurved! :o)

buster's avatar

If I could do stuff with my lurve like buy burritos or beer with it that would be great. Once Im broke I would QA like a madman.

tennesseejac's avatar

I would lurve to buy a burrito and some beer, but I doubt I could afford much…and Im allergic to neo pets. so, I say leave it like it is

scamp's avatar

I wish I had a nickel for every time this question or a variation of it was asked. I could retire in style!!

dalepetrie's avatar

just be careful with your lurve or you could get hurpes.

dalepetrie's avatar

would that be a “computer virus”?

asmonet's avatar

lol4rl, dale.

fireside's avatar

DTDs – Digitally Transmitted Diseases

wundayatta's avatar

Lurve is used for something!

cak's avatar

@EmpressPixie – no kidding!

Lurve is great – exactly how it is, now.

steelmarket's avatar

Hey, what if we could donate lurve, say in 500 point blocks, to selected charities? When we selected a charity and made the “donation”, the Fluther Masters would donate a certain amount of cash to that charity.

Then, the goal of us Flutherites would be to have the least lurve next to our names.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@steelmarket I think that idea a lot, but instead of the Fluther Masters, all participating Fluther-ers could put in $1 or $5 or something. I just don’t see any way to actually do it, logistically speaking.

dalepetrie's avatar

I still say if you make it worth something, it becomes a competition, and it incentivises lurve gaming. I’ve seen it happen elsewhere and it caused the outright ruin of what was otherwise a good thing. I know from experience it’s a bad, bad, awful idea that is completely at odds with the spirit in which lurve is given.

steelmarket's avatar

@EmpressPixie – yeah, I was being a bit sarky…. @dalepetrie is correct, there is no way to do this without it rapidly devolving into a greater competition than it already is.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@steelmarket At the other place, it was something we discussed sometimes as a “I wish we could do this…” idea. I’m also very aware that it was part of what ruined that website.

(Wait, greater competition than it already is??? Are people really out there lurve-whoring?)

tennesseejac's avatar

ok, i change my mind. i think i have enough now, im ready for a burrito

maybe_KB's avatar

It would be cool if the lurve could say, “Hello and Goodbye” (in various languages)

BoyWonder's avatar

How about for every lurve you get, Fluther donates a few cents to a major charity or something? That sounds like a good incentive to want to have lurve. And if people give out lurve just for the hell of it, it would still be for a good cause.

dalepetrie's avatar

@BoyWonder – I doubt the mods make anywhere near a few cents per lurve given out collectively.

Grisson's avatar

Since we’re not paying anything to support the site when we use it, and since what advertising there is (Amazon and t-shirts) is very unobtrusive, I think that expecting the people that make possible to put out anything more than they are already doing is presumtuous.

If individuals want to donate to a charity for each lurve they get, that sounds like a great idea, but they should probably do so silently. Otherwise it sounds a bit like lurve-mongering.

steelmarket's avatar

How about a simple exchange rate, one that will not tax our hosts:
1000 lurve = 1 attaboy
10 attaboys = 1 gold star
10 gold stars = a toast in your name at the coffee machine in Fluther HQ

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