General Question

eadinad's avatar

Is there a good way to keep a white comforter from becoming yellowed?

Asked by eadinad (1281points) January 15th, 2009

So I had this white comforter right. And gradually over the past year, after washing it and stuff, it’s become dingy and yellowed. Why did it do that? Was it something about the water quality? It’s all over, on both sides, so I don’t think it’s from skin/oil/dirt.

I’m about to buy a new one and I really want to avoid this.


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13 Answers

vanslonski's avatar

“Depends”, otherwise use the bathroom.

RyanJCanada's avatar

Perhaps try getting a comforter that goes inside a cover – that way, if the cover becomes stained, you don’t have to get rid of the comforter, too.

For the dingy comforter – have you tried bleach?

eadinad's avatar

RyanJCanada – no I haven’t used bleach. Someone else suggested oxiclean so I might try that.

Mizuki's avatar

Do not urinate on the blankets!

eadinad's avatar

Sigh…. I knew everyone was just gonna make jokes about urine. : /

RyanJCanada's avatar

Either that, or accusing you of chain-smoking Cuban cigars in bed.

Knotmyday's avatar

Bleach; use as directed. Use color-safe bleach if the thought of “bleaching” makes you nervous.

btko's avatar

If you want to stay away from bleach (so your comforter lasts longer) hang it out in the sun for a few hours a week during the summer. The sun will naturally bleach it for you, and not only that it will air it out and keep it fresh. (Unless you live by a freeway then I guess it would just fill with exhaust).

rooeytoo's avatar

If you really want to keep it white and spotless, keep it in a plastic bag in the closet, that is the only way I can keep anything white!!! I have a beautiful white on white shirt that I love but am afraid to wear, hehehee!!!

buster's avatar

Spraypaint it white.

susanc's avatar

lurve to eidinad for bearing with stupid, unhelpful answers. grow up, guys.

TexasRealtor's avatar

pee before bedtime. otherwise have you tried a little bleach in the washer?

Alyanna's avatar

Please don’t bleach your white fabrics – bleach yellows whites.

Try washing it with a bluing agent (like this one: )to counter-act the yellow. In the future, I’d wash it in hot water with oxyclean and a detergent that has “optical brightener” (I think Tide has it – it should be listed on the package somewhere). That should keep your fabrics really clean without causing that yellowing.

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