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TitsMcGhee's avatar

Why is my new linksys router so weak?

Asked by TitsMcGhee (8286points) January 15th, 2009

I am setting up wireless in my mother’s apartment and having quite a few issues with it…

1. The setup disk only works on PCs. I, of course, have a MacBook.
2. AirPort found the found the router without me running the setup program. At this point, it was full strength, but now there is only one of the four levels, even though I am sitting inches from the router and all lights are illuminated.
3. I can’t figure out, for the life of me, how to password protect my network.


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10 Answers

Computergenius's avatar

I am 70% sure that just out of the box, the wireless is disabled until you enable it in the router’s menu. Can you pull out the power cord and see if the signal disappears completely? If it doesn’t, you are connected to some neighbors wireless, not yours.

Computergenius's avatar

The default address for a linksys router is, if you open your browser and are connected to the router with a cat5 patch cable, not wirelessly.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

It’s now working, but I had to remove the WEP settings that I tried to use to make it password protected. With those settings, it wouldn’t allow me to sign into my wireless network, and kept telling me that the connection was timed out (although not that my password was wrong). The wireless won’t be used that much, so I think to keep it secure while not password protected, we’ll just unplug the router when we’re not using it.

Computergenius's avatar

I think that “Ron Burgandy” was freakin hilarious. “I think I killed a guy.”

robmandu's avatar

Not all routers default to using as their default home IP. (See my quip in another discussion.)

All consumer-grade routers I’ve seen do not require you to use the setup CD. They typically have a built-in website for administration. You just got to get there.

What make/model of router are we talking about here?

Computergenius's avatar

@robmandu, did you read the question?

Computergenius's avatar

And yes, Linksys routers do default to

robmandu's avatar

@Computergenius, a ha ha ha ha ha!!!

I read the description moreso than the question itself. Thanks!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@robmandu: It’s a linksys router, but I don’t know the model… I’ll get that info for you. It does us, I’ve been able to access the settings and fiddle with them, but when I attempted to password protect the network (WPA and WEP) or rename it, it caused problems, namely the strength of the signal. I would also try to connect to the network with the password I just set and it would tell me that the connection timed out. When I reset those specific settings, the signal was back at full strength and functioning correctly.

popo7676's avatar

@robmandu: what routers “typically have a built-in website for administration”? the only one i can think of is Netgear…although i never had a Belkin so i dont know about them, but i have tried others and they usually use or

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