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seVen's avatar

What's The Obama Nation of Desolation I keep hearing about everywhere?

Asked by seVen (3492points) January 16th, 2009 from iPhone
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25 Answers

Harp's avatar

Classic right-wing evangelical alarmism. It’s a play on the reference in Revelation to the “abomination of desolation” (part of the “end times” prophecies). Get it? Abomination? Obama Nation?

Knotmyday's avatar

I think it’s supposed to be “Nation of Celebration.”

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robmandu's avatar

define “everywhere”.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@robmandu Seriously. This is the first I’ve heard of it.

Judi's avatar

are you baiting?

robmandu's avatar

@Judi, are you asking a rhetorical question?

‘Course he is.

cooksalot's avatar

HUH? First this Evangelical Christian has heard of this.

dynamicduo's avatar

A fictitious name given to a fictitious group for the purposes of scaremongering. Nice to see the high level of class they have.~

Jeruba's avatar

Never heard of it. Means nothing to me, and I don’t think much of trying to promote it as if it had some established currency. It has not.

bodyhead's avatar

Are these people who say this from the future? He’s not even in office yet and a wet towel could do better then our current president.

shilolo's avatar

@bodyhead You are so right. I think a towel could do better.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Never heard it. Perhaps you need friends with more faith?

cage's avatar

I’ve heard of it and I’m a brit.,
Basically these crazy republican white christians believe that the world will end once Obama gets in…

Jeruba's avatar

God is not a Republican.

cage's avatar

@Jeruba he’s not, but Barack Obama’s opposition is…

robmandu's avatar

Counterpoint to the premise that @cage is making…

from the New York Times…
By contrast, 79 percent were optimistic about the next four years under Mr. Obama, a level of good will for a new chief executive that exceeds that measured for any of the past five incoming presidents. And it cuts across party lines: 58 percent of the respondents who said they voted for Mr. Obama’s opponent in the general election, Senator John McCain of Arizona, said they were optimistic about the country in an Obama administration.

Compare that to all the Bush-bashers who make the claim he’s single-handedly “destroyed” this country and its reputation. And now tell me where all the “division” is coming from.

cage's avatar

@robmandu hey hey! calm down! This is just what I heard when I was in America 2 months ago. Don’t shoot the messenger!

cage's avatar

@robmandu also, I never said that the majority of republicans thought the world was going to end did I?

I’ll repeat myself (more clearly) to show how narrow this band of people was.
White, Republican, Clearly Racist, ‘extreme’ Christians who are paranoid and idiotic enough to think the apocalypse is going to happen because one black man has been voted in as a leader of one country in a lonely solar system in a lonely galaxy.

robmandu's avatar

Yah, okay.

Thing is, there’s always a narrow ‘extreme’ band of ______________ that happens to share some of your ideals, whatever your political stripe.

To keep bangin’ on white, Christian, republicans over & over (which we see a lot here on Fluther) invites people – I think – to misinterpret your narrow definition and apply it more broadly.

Don’t worry, bro’. I’ll still grab a beer with ya any time.

Judi's avatar

Kind of like me getting mistaken for a Republican because I’m a white, middle class fairly evangelical Christian. Just because I love Jesus does not mean I’m a Republican!

cage's avatar

@judi omg, I hope that wasn’t directed at me because that wasn’t what I implied!

cooksalot's avatar

Hey I maybe registered republican but I vote for who I feel will do the best job. I’m not doing my job if I don’t.

Judi's avatar

No, it was sort of in agreement with @robmandu .

theStormAftertheCalm's avatar

Check out Alex Jones about BO to get a non-left/non-right view with supporting facts. He has a new video out called “The Obama Deception.”

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