General Question

robmandu's avatar

What bumper stickers are you sportin' on your conveyance?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) January 16th, 2009

By conveyance, I typically mean automobile, but if you want to include your bicycle, segway, skateboard, wheelchair, whatever, that’s cool, too.

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30 Answers

bodyhead's avatar

On my car I only have one bumper sticker that says I donate to an organization which gives money to dead police officer’s families. It’s a nice thought and all but I just hope it keeps me from getting a ticket some day.

*edit: Just so you know, I did actually donate to them.

robmandu's avatar

Oh yah, my stickers…

2. College alma mater
3. Coudal Partners

figbash's avatar

My old car had a ”If you want peace, work for justice” bumper sticker and ”McDonald’s is not Food” sticker.

My bike has a black sticker on it that says ”Devo was Right

row4food's avatar

I have:

1. USRowing member window cling
2. apple sticker
3. UB Alumni window cling.

delirium's avatar

“Vegetarians Taste Better” (think about it…... its not about cannibalism.)
“Reading is Sexy”
“Share the road, Bikes belong”
Two little dinosaurs, and a silver t-rex eating a jesus fish.

Sorceren's avatar

“Vegetarian” — an old Indian word meaning ‘lousy hunter’”

blondie411's avatar

UNF window cling (college alma mater) Go Ospreys!
Apple Sticker

srtlhill's avatar

Keep honking I’m reloading.

tinyfaery's avatar

I have had the same bumper sticker on two cars now, and I plan to have it on every car I ever have. It’s a UC Sunnydale Sticker. Anyone know the reference?

dlm812's avatar

No bumper stickers, but I have a few window clings – two horse-related ones (one of a reining horse and the other of a jumper), a “Country Girl” sticker, one for my college, and then two parking permits (one for school and the other for my apartment). Pretty boring I guess. I have a few I would like to have made up though… but they’re mostly farm humor.

dlm812's avatar

@srtlhill I would love to have that one! Did you buy it or have it made?

srtlhill's avatar

Old saying I heard I don’t really have it. Probably not the best idea to sport that one. Not unless you drive an armored car.

asmonet's avatar

I have a round Obama magnet. The end.

dlm812's avatar

I suppose… but then again my fiancee has a front license plate on his truck that says “This Truck is Protected by Smith & Wesson”

asmonet's avatar

@tinyfaery: Haha, I love it. :D

Knotmyday's avatar

I don’t sport ‘em. However, the family ‘wagon has one of those custom-cut window decals depicting Stitch (from the Disney movie) and the statement “Here Comes Trouble.” We’re tacky like that.

I’ve been trying to answer this for two hours. Love my job.

delirium's avatar

Tiny: I totally giggled.

I hope it has little burn marks… (I have shirt with a “Welcome to sunnydale” sign and the population continually scratched out at reduced. I <3 it. Sadly, its huge.)

tennesseejac's avatar

ive got a steal your face logo and one that says “not all who wander are lost”

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I have two, and one ordered. The first reads: Atheism cures religious terrorism. The second reads: If I wanted to listen to your music, I’d be riding in your car. I had that made at sticker junkie dot com. The one coming will read: Orgasmic Church of Evelyn – Home of the World’s Largest Deity. I ordered it at sticker junkie as well. I can never find stickers to say exactly what I mean, so I usually order them. I keep a few and give the rest away to anyone who wants one.

augustlan's avatar

None at the moment. I have two to put on when the old minivan is finally clean again. One is a West Virginia (just a W & a V) window thingy, and the other is a round one from Life is Good. I want to get the coexist one (with the different religious symbols) soon.

bodyhead's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra, I’m jelous that you have the balls to put an atheist sticker on your car. I’m in a very religious area and I’m afraid of vandalism and bodily harm from Christians.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@bodyhead, well, you see, it’s like this. I live in a very religious area too, but I think rather than vandalism, the religious are afraid I’ll sic Satan (Stan to his friends) on them. :-) I’ve had people come up to me and compliment that sticker. I’ve also had people flip me off, but that could just be because I’m a stickler for traffic laws. My friend who lives in Iowa (a very conservative state) has ‘atheist’ as his license plate and has had it for years. He says he’s never had a problem.

I used to have one that read: Real Men Don’t Need Imaginary Friends in response to the Real Men Love Jesus sticker, but I think it might have been over most people’s heads. Or they just didn’t get the connection.

I’d just get insurance that covers vandalism and put the sticker on your bumper. You only live once, and who knows, you might meet a like-minded person who admires your balls; figuratively speaking.

bodyhead's avatar

That is hilarious. I love the Real Men Don’t Need Imaginary Friends. I’ve not seen that before. I don’t always park in the best areas and I’ve had good god fearing Christians get visibly angry at me when I tell them that I’m a non-believer. No one has become physical with me yet but I’m waiting for it.

Christian + Alcohol = scared me

Knotmyday's avatar

@EPZ- Now I want a I<3 Stan sticker…

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@bodyhead, you haven’t seen that sticker because I created it and it is NOT available commercially. I am the only one with them. So you can only get them from me. I still have about eighty of them left, since I ordered a hundred of them, which is the smallest amount one can order.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Knotmyday, you might want to go to that sticker junkie site and have some made up, but you might have to explain to people who the Hell (no pun intended) Stan is.

baterpark91's avatar

My mother baught a used truck a few years ago and the sticker said, “If you are riding my ass, shouldn’t you be pulling my hair?”

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@baterpark91 my wife wants to find that one to put on her car.

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