General Question

pekenoe's avatar

Why does any unappropriated money from the national budget go into the Congress retirement fund instead of paying down the national debt?

Asked by pekenoe (1409points) January 16th, 2009

It’s hard to believe, but there are millions of dollars that are budgeted but not taken by any agency. These funds currently go into the Congress’s retirement fund. Scuse me?? Try to get an honest answer from your congressman about this….. good luck.

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10 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

Sounds bogus to me. Source?

srtlhill's avatar

No way can’t be my blood pressure is going up.

Grisson's avatar

@srtlhill “Must… control… fist… of… death…”

fireside's avatar

Sounds like a recent episode of The Office.
Managers who come in under budget and return the funds get 10% of the returned funds as a bonus.

Only here it is 100%.

Probably better than $10 million dollar bridges to service an island of 10 people, but certainly not a very sound policy considering the economy.

pekenoe's avatar

I have researched this and have point blank asked our representatives about it. To date I have not been able to find anything substantiating or denying. Congressional inquiries were absolutely ignored. I would love if someone could find evidence either proving or disproving this. It is a tidbit that I read a long time ago (way pre internet) and has bugged me ever since. Thought throwing it out here may help. Thanks

timothykinney's avatar

From my (several years ago) study of government, this is not the case. Money must be specifically appropriated to the congressional retirement fund, just like any other program. That fund is substantial, but I would be very surprised if it was the default destination of unused funds.

judochop's avatar

Because they know that they can’t count on social security. They have insider info.

timothykinney's avatar

Even if Social Security was solvent and well-funded, they would still have a better deal.

pekenoe's avatar

Can anyone tell me where unappropriated funds go?

laureth's avatar

First, I’m questioning the idea that there are millions of dollars that are budgeted but not taken by any agency. It’s not like there are millions of checks just blowing around Washington that agencies don’t pick up. I’d like to see a source detailing these unclaimed funds.

Second, there is not a separate fund for Congresscritters to use for retirement. Are you confusing it with the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), which provides retirement benefits to all Federal workers?

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