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Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

What is the best PM you ever got on fluther?

Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous (11295points) January 17th, 2009

I like reading other peoples profiles here and I love the PM’s that they get, but what about the private PM’s that only the Flutheree can read? Don’cha wanna know what others write privately? And don’cah wanna spill some juicy ones you’ve received? Now’s your chance.

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36 Answers

tyrantxseries's avatar

I think this was the best


Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

One of Mine was: “Can we pretend this never happened?

Lightlyseared's avatar

“Are you talking to me” except in spannish from the Nazi obsessed person (remember? every question seemed to be about Nazi’s). Obviously I said something to hurt their feeling.

Bluefreedom's avatar

This one was rather funny, in a kind of surreal, disturbing kind of way:

“You are now under suspicion. We are monitoring you.”

Allie's avatar

Oooh! I’ll have to go read back though mine and look. Expect to see me later.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

“I just jumped to your profile for the first time. I came over to comment on your name. I saw Anchorman for the first time and now see from whence you take your name. Hilarious, I say. Although, at first blush, I thought it to be a bit crude.

Now that I’ve read your profile is it ok to say, “I Think I Love You”? Is it to soon? You had me at Lollerskates and roflcopters, but you made me love you with “turboslutting. Please say you’ll be mine….please?”

:D :D :D

Honestly, though. It made me really happy :)

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Who would possibly write such a thing, Tits? Wow.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Winks, winks, Sueanne.

asmonet's avatar

_____ said:
Cream on your pancakes?

_____ said:
Hey there,
You need to change your avatar. It’s so generic now – and you are anything but generic my dear.

_____ said:
You’re mom must be amazing. Tell her I admire her and that I said she is the mother women should aspire to be. I would say she must be very proud, but I have a feeling that she is probably quite humble. How else could she have raised such thoughtful children?

_____ said:
Let me know if any of them warrant a virtual beating.
I’ve been working out my three tentacles you know.

_____ said:
Agreed. And for the same reasons.
<—Also an asshole.

And four messages from ____ calling me a ruiner of things, telling me I was removed from his Fluther and being yelled at that I was BAD! BAD! Later, there was a discussion of best Ninja Turtles. I lol4rled.

If you sent one of these, thanks. :)
If those people don’t mind, I’ll fill in the blanks with their names.

Oh, and just because:
My favorite that I’ve given is “It’s officially official. We’re lurve whores.” Because of the thread preceding it. :)

asmonet's avatar

@TitsMcGhee: Don’t go letting that jelly take my sparkle baby making time. >:)

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@asmonet: well well then… care to join sometime? But we’ll definitely have some alone time, just you and me, of course

asmonet's avatar

Can Sueanne join us for a play date some other time? I think she’d be down with it. ;)

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Sueanne and uberbatman… there will be a fluther orgy!

asmonet's avatar

I don’t know how Sueanne feels about boy parts. Sueanne, care to chime in?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Uberbatman can watch, hahahahahaha.

Allie's avatar

Here are some of my favorites each for their own reasons:

Someone said: “1. Great answer on the flavored condoms. 2. Call me!!! :)”

Someone else said: “Oh how i have missed you! being the only girl with all these guys was crazy. their conversations revolved around porn.”

Another person said: “So I created a little script that looks at all of the people who have answered my questions. It turns out that you have given more answers to my questions than anyone else here, so I thought I’d drop you a quick note to say thanks. :)”

Yet another said: “Oh just wait. Its only just begun. It’ll be naked fluther soon. We’re gonna take over the intertubey thing before we’re finished.”

Last but not least, someone said: “I have faith in you, smarty pants!”

bluemukaki's avatar

My best one would have to be this one:

“Forgive my ignorance, what does ‘WTF’ mean?”

I don’t think I ever actually answered because I think the truth might have broken their soul.

tyrantxseries's avatar

another good one:
—These are very good details. I will incorporate this into my on-going ninja training. Thank you.


DrBill's avatar

I have not received anything this good yet…

arnbev959's avatar

This one was funny:

well its because I made a very crazy question, thats why some think I’m a nazi, but anyways I know I’m not and I don’t bother with them

And looking back, there are a lot of nice ones that just made me smile, though not particularly interesting, and some too personal to post.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

for the record, I have done boy parts. I like boy parts. I just don’t like boys. That said, I am pretty sure I would dig Uber, JP, Astro, Pete, Trusting, Auggies Hubby (sorry Auggielan…he just sounds good) and some well defined others….

asmonet's avatar

Why am I not listed, or am I just implied? :’(

Nimis's avatar

It’s because you have no boy parts!
‘Sokay though. I think Sueanne prefers girl parts.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

See see see see see she said uber – we’re good to go! I guess we could get Nimis in on the fun too, no?

asmonet's avatar

I dig glasses, why the fuck not? :D

asmonet's avatar

Wait, isn’t pete like seventeen?

Allie's avatar

I’m 21!!! Umm.. (kicks pebbles) .. yeah.

asmonet's avatar

Cute. :P

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Wait, pete???

And in some states, 17 is legal for me, as well as 21+.


TitsMcGhee's avatar

Oh and Allie… Hey girl hey ;)

Allie's avatar


asmonet's avatar

wink wink

Oh, fuck. Sueanne, our libidos completely hijacked your thread.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I need to tell my libido to stop doing things like that and stick to arousal. Next thing you know, it’s going to be robbing banks, raping churches, and burning women.

asmonet's avatar

Looks like it already distracted you again. I gotta say I lol4rled at Church Rape. I’m sure it’s ever so serious.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Oh it is, it is.

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