Where is your birthmark?
how ‘bout it—a natural tattoo—some large, some small, some, well, unseen by all—well maybe not all. how do they get there anyway? why do we have birthmarks? how? sexy or not?
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49 Answers
my youngest son has one on his thigh. very noticeable, but very unique.
I have one on my right boob. Guys (and girls too sometimes) seem to like it.
I’ve got one on my right cheek about an inch under my eye.
I have a raspberry one in the shape of Texas (ugh, of all states) on my back.
There’s a chicken pock mark on my upper thigh where I scratched it.
That’s pretty much it for birthmarks, but I do have some freckles in the shape of the big dipper on my chest and the handle part kind of goes up my neck.
@Allie honestly i love freckles…
I have a small one on the underside of my right arm. Looks like a grape jelly stain.
i have one on my cheek. for some reason, with age, it seems to come and go, but it’s there. people ask, at times, what is that mark? i just say it was there since birth. course, you have to be real close to see it, but it’s there.
@PupnTaco so descriptive, but yeah, that’s what i’m getting at. u always seem to get it.
I used to have a strawberry mark on my forehead when I was a baby. I also had another in the shape of an R on my arm, they faded by the time I was two and a half though. :)
I have one on my hip, about 2 inches wide, and it looks like the batman logo! Holy Birthmark Batman! Oddly, or not, I had a small round one, the size of a pea, on the inside of my wrist when I was young and as I grew it moved up my arm and is now just below my elbow. My daughter, son, and I all have the exact same small mole on the palm of our hands. Same place, color & size on all three of us!
I have a birthmark on my neck that looks like a hickie, oh how many times I was accused when I was younger! I also have a mole right above my right boob that my husband finds rather sexy.
I have one that looks like Colorado on the back of my right leg.
I have a small brown patch on my right upper arm and a beauty mark on my lower left (face) cheek, but it’s tiny.
well, now that we know we have them, how do they get there? i think it’s a natural tattoo that all of us could be proud about actually.
I have two of them, one on my left side, halfway between my hip and my ribs, the size of a silver dollar, and one on my right calf, about the size of a nickel. Must mean I was born once, and then born again but not in the Christian way Or maybe I am twins trapped in one body. That would explain a lot, but I don’t think its really possible.
I had one on my right shoulder, about where a bra strap would sit. It was removed in elementary school due to risk of developing skin cancer.
I have one right above my naughty bits.
I have a really light patch of freckles on the underside of my left arm.
When I was little and first noticed it, I thought it was grime.
Scrubbed the bejesus out of my arm. Poor arm.
I have one on my thigh that I use to gauge acceptable skirt length.
If I can see that birthmark (while standing), the skirt is too short. Ha.
My mother and one of my sisters have matching beauty marks.
Same size and placement too. It’s really quite cute.
@Nimis wow, how cool is that! why does it happen that way? the matching thingy.
No idea. But apparently it’s not that uncommon.
BytheBay totally has my family beat on that one.
Not just two—three! Fancy that!
I have one on the left side of my stomach right where my abs are. It’s 3 little square-ish things…one looks like Alaska & the others are below it.
I don’t really tan…and this is the only part of my whole body that gets really really dark when I lay out in the summer.
I have one on my XXXX and my wife had one inside her, we used to ask each other “want to go compare birthmarks?”
@allie mine looks like Texas too! It’s on my thigh.
@elijahsuicide Don’t mess with Texas?? (Oh geez, did I really just say that?)
I forgot to mention the mole on my inner left thigh. It’s the stop sign for the naughty zone for my husband if the time is inappropriate. ;)
@Allie my Texas is upside down.
my Louisiana is right-side up.
I have a light drown spot on my left butt cheek. My mom has one on her arm. She calls it her freckle convention because she has no freckles anywhere else. :)
@drbill: How do you know about the one inside your wife?
Next question: Do I really want to know how he knows…
@KatawaGrey I started composing that very same question.
But then I decided that I didn’t really want to know. Ha!
In the 30 years we were married, I seen every square inch at one time or another.
I have 2 light brown irregular shaped splotches, one on the back of each thigh. I also have a lot of freckles, but only on my arms. Is that weird?
Nimis is a female? I figured Nimis was male, but if Nimis wears skirts, and a dude, then that would mean…Nimis is Scottish. Yeah that’s it. :-)
A pirate in a skirt, hmm, that’ll get you laughed off the poop deck in a hurry.
@Nimis, thanks for the link, the question has an answer. Now to figure out how closely I’m related to Sitting Bull. I am guessing that will leave me wide open for a smart ass comment
In my right leg, just above my knee. My sister has the same one in her back and my cousing has it too in her knee
I have no big ones, but a few freckles (not an overload) and maybe my dark skin makes up for it.
I don’t have a birth mark :( All of my freckles came about after I was born. I do have a little mole in between my boobs. I used to hate it, but it doesn’t bother me at all now. I also have an awesome pattern of freckles on my back and arm. I used to draw “constellations” out of them.
My son just got his first freckle at 18 months! And a second one recently. They look exactly like my freckles.
i have a small natural tramp stamp. haha. i think it counts as a birth mark. and i have one next to my nose, but it’s really light, and has gotten lighter as i’ve gotten older. it’s hardly noticeable now.
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