General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Any Rescue Me fans out there? You will be now.

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) January 17th, 2009

What do you guys think of this scene from the up-coming season?

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9 Answers

tyrantxseries's avatar

great tv series

asmonet's avatar

I don’t care for this show, I tried because I liked Dennis Leary but it’s never grabbed me. This scene was just annoying and it just sounded like a bit of bitter paranoia.

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

I LOVE Rescue Me! So excited! :)

autumn43's avatar

I am totally counting down the days! I LOVE, LOVE that show.

loser's avatar

@autumn43 I love, LOVE your bunny!!!

autumn43's avatar

Thanks, loser! (Haha. That’s funny to say that.)

Snoopy's avatar

I love Rescue Me!

That particular clip = Wag the Dog-ish

The last line was classic.

Rufus_T_Firefly's avatar

It’s sad really, because I like Denis Leary, but I detest the onslaught of big-city police/fire/attorney shows. They all use the same story lines and many even go as far as to use the same types of actors and familiar backgrounds.

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