General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Are you enjoying the inaugural celebration?

Asked by tinyfaery (44297points) January 18th, 2009

In general I think it’s been fairly entertaining. I’ve been enjoying U2, even though age has not been kind to Bono’s voice. I thought the Hancock/Sherly Crow rendition of One Love was odd. What do you think?

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20 Answers

seekingwolf's avatar

Is this on TV or something?
excuse my dumb question, I haven’t turned on my telly for days

seekingwolf's avatar

Oh, I don’t get that on my college cable. >< Mine is very basic.
Have fun though!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I thought some of it was a little contrived and sometimes a little much, but it’s fun. I love how excited the Obama daughters were; it was ADORABLE.

Blobman's avatar

what was with all the actors, mainly Steve Coral and George Lopez

SuperMouse's avatar

I listened to a lot of it on NPR and really enjoyed what I heard.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@Blobman: I think today they were looking to bring in the celebrities to excite people and to make it politics seem more pop culture and young, since that was a huge part of Obama’s constituency. It’s a whole new era of politics for sure.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I didn’t even know it was on. When I first opened this I starting freaking out, thinking I’d missed the actual inauguration.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t understand. Why aren’t you watching football?

cdwccrn's avatar

@daloon: we are here in Indy. Only catching snipets of inauguration coverage. Pretty cool.

lataylor's avatar

Obamafest? Sure. It is great business for the Dermatologists in DC, LA, and NYC:

Jeruba's avatar

I have no cable, but I found out this afternoon that you could watch the HBO coverage free at their website. I caught about half of today’s program. Exciting! Wow! It’s going to be replayed on HBO’s website this evening, twice, once quite late.

To me it was a special thrill to see Pete Seeger, still vital at nearly 90. He was definitely one of the early heroes of civil rights, bringing songs like “We Shall Overcome” and “If You Miss Me at the Back of the Bus” to concert audiences in the mid-sixties and carrying Woody Guthrie’s music into the mainstream. His own “If I Had a Hammer” is still an anthem of brotherhood and freedom. Today he led “This Land Is Your Land,” plucking on his banjo, and the whole crowd sang along.

HBO was also offering the program free to all cable subscribers through the local providers.

mcbealer's avatar

I thought most moving was Mary J. Blige’s performance.

Although I don’t typically listen to country, I really enjoyed Garth Brooks’ performance, and the crowd came alive during Shout!

I agree with tinyfaery on Bono’s voice, but The Edge still has it !!
It was awesome seeing him play :)

Most of all, I was thankful to be able to watch on my tv for free… thanks HBO

cookieman's avatar

It was great that HBO opened up for free for the event. I have basic cable, so it was a nice treat.

I really enjoyed the event a lot. Maybe I’m just a hope-whore, but this only made me love Obama more. To see him and his family bobbing their heads to the music, the quotes from past presidents and notables, the huge sea of people – all of it gave me hope.

This is such an overused phrase regarding celebrity and public figures but – Obama and his family seem genuinely real to me. I’ve yet to see him in what I feel is an insincere moment. I think this speaks volumes about his character and bodes well for our future.

I realize this is conjecture and I’m certainly projecting a bit here, but I am done with being cynical – we need something to be hopeful about.

This event provided some lubricant for the hope machine.

I was dancing around my living room with my daughter and I will be glued to the set all day Tuesday.

Jeruba's avatar

@Blobman, I also think they included so many actors in the narrative portions because they are trained and skilled in delivering lines and rendering fluent readings while facing an audience, no doubt a bigger audience than any of them has ever seen or probably will ever see again. I didn’t blame a couple of the nonprofessionals for muffing their lines.

cookieman's avatar

The Kids Ball just started on Disney Channel. Michelle Obama and the girls are there.

My daughter is glued to the set.

maybe_KB's avatar

There’s an inauguration today?...What channel?

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i didn’t watch any of the entertainment aspect of the inauguration; i stopped watching after the speeches and poems and whatnot. i’m sure the celebration was wonderful and all, but i don’t think i could stay interested long enough to watch all of the singers, actors, etc.

tabbycat's avatar

I spent Tuesday glued to the television set. I enjoyed it a lot. I know our new President has a long road ahead of him, but seeing him take the oath of office and all the hoopla connected with it made me feel proud.

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