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LostInParadise's avatar

Is there a thin line between jealousy and admiration?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) January 19th, 2009

I am sure I am not the first person to think of this. Granted that jealousy is an ugly emotion, but it seems to me that at least in some cases the only distinction between jealousy and admiration is that the admired person is perceived to be completely out of one’s league whereas in the case of jealousy the perception is that the person is on one’s own level. Comments?

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2 Answers

dlm812's avatar

You nailed it on the head for me. I am often “jealous” of another individual because he/she presents a competitor in some way or form. However, I often admire someone because they are competitively above me and I wish to be at that level. I’m not sure if that makes sense.

Perhaps an example? I ride horses competively. At a local show, I might view Rider X, who is in my same division and who often attends the same shows as a competitor. Rider X has parents who spend infinite amounts of money on X’s talents and abilities, including a more expensive, more experienced horse. My parents, however, cannot afford to spend such money on my riding and it is simply a blessing to even be able to afford an entry fee in order for my inexperienced, off-the-track Thoroughbred to gain experience. I have a tendency to be jealous of Rider X.

On the other hand, riders such as Karen O’Connor or Kim Severson – who are Olympic level riders – do not pose a threat to me. Instead they are idols, whom I wish to learn from and whom I respect. I admire them. There is definitely no jealousy.

Siren's avatar

I also agree with your comment. I would also like to suggest that jealousy, unlike envy, is when someone wishes something on themselves exclusively, and compares themselves directly to you (ie your fortune to their loss). That’s where the malice aspect comes in: if you are happy/fortunate, they are unhappy. You can’t BOTH be happy. Envy is more like I wish I also had that… and allows for all to benefit. A little less evil, if I may say so.

Admiration is simply seeing something meritous in someone else. It can be completely devoid of comparison to oneself. Jealousy and admiration are definitely on polar ends of the scale. Good comparison LostInParadise!

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