General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

What do you do with money you just found?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) January 19th, 2009

the other day, i had a $10 bill in my “gloved” hand on a blustery winter day and somehow, unbeknownst to me, it was dropped. found out real quick when i was in the checkout line.

somebody became happy on that day, i’m sure.

AND, i remember finding $10 by a vending machine with nobody around to ask the question, “uh, is this your ten dollars?” i put the crisp bill in my pocket and allocated it toward the grocery bill later on that day.

what do you do with unexpected money you found? do you feel like you just won the lottery?

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22 Answers

DrBill's avatar

Ever heard the term, what goes around, comes around?

MissAnthrope's avatar

If there’s no one around that it could possibly belong to, I would chalk it up to serendipity and keep it. If I see it fall from someone’s pocket or know that it probably belongs to someone in the vicinity, I will pick it up and return it. Conversely, if I lost money, I’d not expect to have it returned and I know that someone finding it would probably feel lucky.

charliecompany34's avatar

keep in mind, my fellow flutheren, this is about money you just found that was unexpected. the “dropper” is not necessarily around. OR, it could be unexpected cash you found in your own pockets.

once you find the loot, where do you spend it?

judochop's avatar

I usually just spend it on hookers and drugs.

charliecompany34's avatar

@judochop oh wow. ok, i ain’t mad atchya.

Darwin's avatar

Books! I buy books! Must have books!!! Yesssssss…......

dlm812's avatar

My answer depends on an array of factors. If I find money at a store, say standing in line to be checked out, I usually ask anyone around if it is theirs. If not, I give it to the cashier. As a former cashier I have learned that many people return looking for their lost money – even if it’s only $5 or $10. If it is a small amount, like the $10 next to the vending machine, and there is no one there who might have lost it, I’ll admit I will probably pocket that and spend it on either groceries or books. On the other hand, if I find a large amount of money – more than $100, either in an establishment or on the streets I will turn this is to the proper authorities. A friend of mine once found $2000 in a bank envelope on the street. She went on a shopping spree. I would have turned it into the police.

charliecompany34's avatar

even if i find two wet dollars in the washing machine, it is like winning the lottery. i spend it toward whatever—a car wash i need, a coffee item i usually never get, the extra sauce for BBQ shrimp. who knows.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

I stick it in my pocket with the intention of taking it home and putting it in a safe place, forget that it’s there and run it through the wash a couple of times, then become happily surprised when I find it again in my back pocket. Then I usually take it out and put it on the top of my dresser, meaning later to fetch my wallet and safely store it there, but before that happens it gets lost under books or piles of paperwork, to be rediscovered upon their removal. I am again pleasantly surprised and the cycle repeats itself one or more times in a similar fashion.
it’s the gift that keeps on giving

KatawaGrey's avatar

The last time I found money (beyond a few cents) I got my mom a really nice Christmas present. I found a hundred dollar bill on my way home from school and asked if anyone had lost money (I found it right outside a garage/used car place). No one had lost it and I didn’t see anyone else around so I got my mom the first season of stargate on DVD as well as the special edition of stargate the movie.

charliecompany34's avatar

my buddy, hey scamp!

scamp's avatar

I once found a twenty on the sidewalk outside the library. I told the librarian I found it and left my name/ phone number with her in case someone came back to look for it. I said I would hold on to it for ten days, and if no one cliamed it I was going out to lunch!!

If I am in an area where I might be able to find the owner, I would do something similar, but if there is no possible way to find out who lost it.. it’s like winning the lottery as someone said previously.

dlm812's avatar

Great idea with the library story Scamp!

aprilsimnel's avatar

I found a twenty in a taxi once. I paid for the cab with it, and had enough change for a slice and diet Coke!

scamp's avatar

Thanks dlm812 !

miasmom's avatar

One time, right after college, my friend and I were in the Czech Republic on a backpacking adventure and this money flew out of a car window, we went and collected it, but there was no way for us to figure out who it belonged to, we hung around awhile and waited for the car to come back, but it never did, so we took it and had dinner on a very nice rooftop restaurant.

Bagardbilla's avatar

I’d try and return the $ if possible, if not my parents would always give it to the poor/needy. Guess it’s a Karma thing.That which is not earned by the sweat of one’s labor, can do you more harm then good. Just a thought.

90s_kid's avatar

Keep it, even if others are concerned. It’s yours. If you’re Bill Gates, put it back and leave a benjamin with it.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

one time a friend and I found 20 bucks on the floor at a club. We had ourself a few rounds of shots. That was the best 20 bucks I ever found.

May2689's avatar

I treat myself to something nice. Even it its small and pointless!

Kiev749's avatar

Gamble. then when you lose, you really didnt!

Jack79's avatar

I found 50 zloty ($15) on 21/12. I was so happy, it was my lucky day. I kept it separately in my wallet and was planning to buy us all a nice treat later that day. We had a car accident before we managed to spend it. Luckily nobody was hurt, but it has cost me 1750z so far just to move the car and another 300 for the damage to the road. And the repair will be over 28,000 and take another 2 weeks. So, all in all, I will be paying over 30,050 z ($8–9000). And got back 50.

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