I’ll be honest, that is a very tricky custody arrangement. On paper, it appears to be a good thing, because of the amount of time at each parent’s house; yet, she is always in transit. She has no “stable” home – as far as location. Yes, she has parents that love her but she’s bouncing back and forth and at her age, she needs something constant.
Since that might not be an option, I tend to agree that some kind of therapy might be beneficial – and both sets of parents should be involved, but you can’t force that issue! Somehow, she needs to learn that she has two loving homes and 4 people that love her very much and are willing to do what they need to do for the betterment of her emotional health…not what mom or dad want, but what is best for this child.
A change in arrangement might be in order; however, if that is off the table, other steps need to be taken, and soon.
Please understand that my next question isn’t any kind of accusation – my father that just passed away, wasn’t my biological father, he was my stepdad – believe me, he was my hero, in so many ways. I’m not taking an “evil” stepparent point of view! Is the relationship she has with the step parents a good one? With you, with the new husband? It might be a lot of new things, so quickly that she hasn’t had time to truly deal with things.
While you are trying to figure out how long you have been together, she may be seeing that Dad has a new wife and Mom has a new husband. That’s difficult for a child! Also, we all know that a lot of children (of divorce) have that lingering hope that Mom & Dad will get back together and it shows up at the oddest times, too! That’s not saying anything bad about the step parent – just a child’s hope of having Mom & Dad, together, again.
As for you, let me applaud you for caring and loving her enough to ask this questions. I’m sure you know there is no easy answer – and you seem willing to face that there is work to do, that is a good step mom! :)