General Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Why does my stomach always gurgle?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) January 20th, 2009

I know my diet has something to do with it. I’m always on the go and don’t eat all that healthy… but.. it’s sooo loud… sounds like an army of gophers intent on carving out tunnels into my digestive tract. Maybe I should see a doctor.

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21 Answers

asmonet's avatar

Is it painful? If it is, talk to your doc.

dlm812's avatar

It could be a digestive problem< amonst other things. Definitely talk to your doctor about it, because it may seem like a minor inconvenience now, but could turn into something more seriously later (just a possibility of course).

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@steve6 yogurt calms the system down?
@asmonet no, unless you consider embarrassment to be a kind of pain =D
@dlm812 i guess i should actually GET a doctor then .. never had one before =)

asmonet's avatar

If it’s loud enough and frequent enough that it’s a problem for you, talk to your doctor.

EDIT: You’ve never had a doctor before?! How old are you?

dlm812's avatar

Completely understand, natural. I too, do not have a doctor. Well – I HAD one, when I was 5. Haven’t seen one (other than in a clinic for school shots or physical) for about 15 years.

I don’t think you even have to GET a doctor persay… just go to a clinic or walk-in office and ask for an opinion or referral.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@asmonet I’ve been in the military my whole life (i’m 30 next month hooray).. so yes I’ve had doctors (sort of).. but never a specific person who i always go to who i would say, yeah that’s my doctor. =D
@dlm812 I need to do that instead of joking about it xD

dlm812's avatar

Good luck either way. While I don’t have this problem all the time, I have had the occasional extremely loud gurgle – usually during a test (especially finals since I’m so stressed I don’t digest my food correctly) or meeting. Definitely can be embarrassing.

steelmarket's avatar

Mine growls so much when I lay down at night it is a standing source of humor with my wife. My doc says that it is a part of my whole reflux thing.

steve6's avatar

Yogurt makes my stomach feel better. I don’t think it would hurt to try it. Blueberry Yoplait is good. Could you be lactose intolerant?

asmonet's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater: Work it out, get a doc. Silly pants. It’s far easier to take care of your health when one doctor knows your history.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@asmonet perhaps that’s how i’ll describe my symptoms.. doc.. i have silly pants

aprilsimnel's avatar

Is it your stomach or your large intestines? Do you drink a lot of carbonated bevs? Or it could be a food intolerance of some kind. Hey, it could be gas…

I got the gurgly goings-on until I cut down on the pop, myself. See a doc, eat some roughage.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@aprilsimnel i am cutting back on soda.. we’ll see how that goes… after having cut it out for about a week, having a soda seems gross now.. weird how that works

dlm812's avatar

Just wait until it’s been a month or so. I cut soda out of my life 7 years ago and the thought of it makes me feel gross. So much sugar and unnecessary calories. Uck.

Judi's avatar

Get acidophilus in the refrigerator of your health food store. If it is caused by week “good” bacteria in your digestive tract this could help. Sometimes antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the bad and it disrupts everything going on in your digestive tract.

Trustinglife's avatar

One more idea for ya: Try chewing your food thoroughly. That’s a big help to your digestive system, especially if what you’re eating isn’t all that healthy, as you said. Slowing down just a little will probably make a difference for your digestion.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@Judi definitely never heard of it.. eating healthy is sort of a new animal for me to tame xD
@Trustinglife if only i could relax while eating.. i can’t remember how.. always rush rush rush =)

Trustinglife's avatar

@NaturalMineralWater While you rush rush rush, do you have time for one deep breath before chowing down? Anything helps.

steve6's avatar

maybe you have a tapeworm

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