General Question

Bri_L's avatar

What is the latest software "discovery" you have made, preferably free?

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) January 21st, 2009

I just discovered EverSave and right after loosing a ton of work in Photoshop. I was very excited.

What is the latest “knock you on your but why didn’t I think of that that is cool I really need that and I need to tell others about that” program you came across.

If you can link to it that would be neat to.

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11 Answers

wilhel1812's avatar

I also just discovered EverSave :D

b's avatar

Caffeine for Mac. It keeps the screen saver off while I watch my netflix.

Bri_L's avatar

@wilhel1812 darn that is that program from the other thread that isn’t available in the US right?

jfrederick's avatar – not perfect, but it’s fun. i am a teacher, and always looking for fun, free online apps to use w/ my kids.

tonedef's avatar

Lifehacker runs an exquisite feature called Featured Mac Download. I believe that everything they profile is free of cost or donationware.

My most recent discovery is the cross-platform on-the-fly encryption tool, TrueCrypt. It’s excellent for keeping sensitive information locked down on a thumbdrive.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Avast Home is great. I think it’s for Windows, though.

Bri_L's avatar

@seVen darn, I was interested, because of all the talk on fluther but it is windows.

good finds everyone, keep them coming!

Waffle's avatar
It’s free image editing software with a whole bunch of really useful tools. As close as you can get to photoshop without spending money or breaking the law.

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