General Question

Jeruba's avatar

So do you think Geithner ought to be confirmed or not?

Asked by Jeruba (56209points) January 21st, 2009

As of today (1/21/09), some Republican senators are balking on account of the tax question, even though in terms of qualifications there does not seem to be any disputing that Timothy Geithner is ideally qualified for the job of Secretary of the Treasury.

I’m no Republican, but I am having my doubts too, just as I would if a nominee for the top education post had falsely claimed unearned academic degrees or plagiarized his dissertation.

What’s your view?

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2 Answers

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’m uncomfortable with that aspect, as well. The head of a Federal Reserve Bank should be above such carelessness. Two years he didn’t pay his right taxes? Two years? Someone in his position at the IMF used a home computer program to do his taxes? GTFOOH!

But this is just a “first impression” outburst, I need to read up on him before I can say anything more substantial.

augustlan's avatar

Did he fail to pay Federal/state income taxes, or just the FICA taxes? I’d be more worried about him if the first is true than the second. I can somewhat understand missing the FICA portion, though he certainly should have known better.

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