Meta Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Do you feel pressured to click "Good Answer"?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) January 22nd, 2009

Don’t lie. I do sometimes. Especially if there are only a couple of responses and I really like one or two of them, but just not one of them. I don’t want anyone to be left out. xD

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15 Answers

tennesseejac's avatar

no. if the answer sucks they get nothing.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@tennesseejac What if it’s just an “ok” answer? Of course we don’t give props to those who just gave crappy answers. =)

Kiev749's avatar

Nope. If the answer solves the question i am purposing, or it makes me laugh, I will click Great Answer… Now Great Question is another story.

answerjill's avatar

No, but now that I am used to Fluther, I keep getting the desire to give “lurve” to answers that are given on other websites. For example, if I like a comment that someone makes on a newspaper article, I have this feeling like I should give it “lurve,” but it is just not possible outside of Fluther!

Sakata's avatar

I’ve noticed that “Great Question” lurve is few and far between but the GA’s are quite common. The thing that puzzles me is that (strictly from a lurve points view) GQ’s are only worth 3*‘s but GA’s are worth 5*‘s. Seems like it should be the other way around.

Back to the OP’s question:
When I 1st came here I was somewhat confused about when to give and not give lurve. I’m still not 100% sure I fully get the system but I can at least fake it a lot better now lol

I normally think about giving a GA if it makes me laugh. If it spawns a good debate I usually get too involved to think about points. Also, if it’s a “book,” I’m not going to read it all (lazy) and I probably won’t give the points up since I’m skipping it anyway and overlooking that part.

Knotmyday's avatar

If you feel “pressured” into performing an activity, perhaps you need to question your motives for engaging in said activity.

That said, there is no estblished criteria for administering lurve. That is the beauty of the concept.

jca's avatar

i don’t feel pressured – i just do it if i like the answer or the person said something really thoughtful, or they said it the way i would say it.

i will sometimes give good answers to people who answer my question, as a way of thanking them (like giving a goody bag if you come to my party).

i also agree that the good question should be worth more than the good answer.

Vinifera7's avatar

If I like the answer in a way that prompts me to click “Great Answer”, then I will click.

Sometimes I forget to give Lurve for “Great Questions” though.

TheBox193's avatar

I noticed that if you click “great Answer” it changes that response to be 1* when really they got 5* if you look at the lurve points. It’s like the * is a unit, yet it is inconsistency represented in different places. On the response it really is a count of how many people said it was a great answer… not # of *.

Just seems messed up to me….

Jeruba's avatar

Not at all. I enjoy dispensing lurve freely and in accordance with my will and whim.

jonsblond's avatar

No pressure at all. With so many jellies, there’s much lurve to go around.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I don’t feel pressure to click ‘Great Answer’ but I do wish there was a ‘Crap Answer’ option.

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