General Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

What is the one thing in your life you've been meaning to do but haven't done yet? Why haven't you done it?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) January 23rd, 2009

“Yeah I need to lose about 20 pounds” , “I’d like to go to Europe some day”, “I really need to quit smoking” , “My (pick a year) resolution is to ___ ”

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35 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Write the damn book that’s in my head.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@augustlan pick just one. I’m sure you can focus on that one, most important thing

Bluefreedom's avatar

Get my college degree – I’ve been too lazy and unmotivated to finish my education.

That’s a terrible excuse and I know it. Come hell or high water, I will get my degree before I die.

tennesseejac's avatar

Quit my job and go for a dream

jonsblond's avatar

I would like to hike the Superior Trail in the Porcupine Mountains of Michigan. Don’t have the time to do it just yet, but maybe for my 20th wedding anniversary?

hint to blondesjon

asmonet's avatar

Get off my ass and go to college…oh no, wait. I jut did that. :)

Next on the list, attain some level of financial security.

Jamspoon's avatar

The one thing…

If it has to be the one thing. It’s not really something that I’m meaning to do rather than want to do, and that would be to get over my self and all the games I play in my head, all the things that stop me from doing what I want to and mean to do rather than wind up doing nothing or something that I don’t truly believe.

It seems like it might take a while. But it’s not unreachable.

Kiev749's avatar

i want to play pro football one day…
Never played high school. Wichita State sadly doesn’t have a team so I am looking to transfer to either KU or KSU

cookieman's avatar

Run my own business.
I had everything lined up to do this two years ago, then my wife got laid off and I couldn’t take the risk. So, still “working for the man” for now.

Finish my Masters Degree.
I was accepted into a program and started in 2003. In the middle of the semester, we finally (after a 2 year wait) got the call to head to China and adopt my daughter. So I dropped everything and we flew there two weeks later. Since then, I haven’t had the time or money.


Trustinglife's avatar

Dream: Lead courses that change people’s lives. Lots of people.
Excuse: Haven’t figured out the topic, venue, organization, to do it with.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Well it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t answer also. I guess the one thing I’ve always wanted to do is let loose with some of my music. Why haven’t I? A smattering of reasons.. I got married much earlier than I’d expected not a show stopper, but makes it more difficult , financial problems who doesn’t have that one? , stage fright gahd I hate it.. i wonder how to defeat it, and the biggest reason of all if i’m to be honest .. my own laziness.. I need a bottle of get-off-your-ass-and-just-do-it-already i doubt i’m alone on that one.

laureth's avatar

Learn to sew with a sewing machine. We are a three sewing machine household where only two people live, only one of whom knows how to sew. We have a cheap modern one, a beautiful 1940s Singer, and a treadle machine. I want to make quilts with a passion you wouldn’t believe.

But it always seems like there’s no time, with work and school and usual household stuff. And I already do so many other craftish stuff, do I have time for one more? But I want!

seekingwolf's avatar

I desperately need closure with my first love. However, I’ll need a plane ticket to Europe and a good week alone. This sort of meeting needs to take place in person. I just want to say goodbye to him, which I wanted to do 5 years ago, but wasn’t able. It’s haunted me for years.

steelmarket's avatar

See the earth from space.
Spend a month in an English cottage.
Ride in a nuclear sub.
Break the sound barrier.

My reasons for not doing this stuff? Only time and money…

EmpressPixie's avatar

Move to Prague. Because I don’t speak Czech fluently and don’t have a job there. Once I find a place to learn Czech around here, I may start lessons. I’d like to—it’s fairly easy to learn.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I always wanted to have a rock band. Something like a Supergrass or a Super Furry Animals.

My original excuse was that there weren’t any female performers like me who are in rock, and no one would accept me doing it. Now my excuse is that I’m too old.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Dream: Show up on the doorstep of the one that got away and run away together.
Excuse: He always said no.

Bri_L's avatar


I need to be in a position where I can get back to school and get another degree.

onesecondregrets's avatar

To become completely self-aware and secure. With that, all good things come and can be accomplished.

kruger_d's avatar

Publish a collaborative project of illustrated poems.

flameboi's avatar

finish my college ed.
quit smoking
learn how to play the guitar
take a long trip around the world

90s_kid's avatar

OK, as you all well know I am 14.
I want to travel to every US state, and I want to live a healthy life. Not necessarily long, but healthy and happy.

buster's avatar

I want to learn to surf. Lack of close beaches make it hard.

Jack79's avatar

write a book (or two)
Publish my 4th album (I’ve done 7 but the 4th never came out)
visit Iceland and Malta
have sex with the most beautiful woman in the world (ok, everybody wants that, just thought I’d put it here hoping she’s reading it)

flameboi's avatar

Name your albums please (i´m a big music fan!)

mcbealer's avatar

hike the Appalachian Trail, from GA to ME

@ buster ~ I’m so tired when I first read your reply I thought it said “learn to smurf” ha ha

maybe_KB's avatar

Write material:
Teach dance steps
I’d really love to be a song writer!

Clean out garage(not enough time)
Carpet clean entire house(not enough time)
Redo Comp. Rm.(not enough time)
Build shelving(not enough time)
Dust every where(not enough time)
Come up w/ a new hairdo(not enough time)

Can you see where this is going?
I would finish this passage but there’s just…(not enough time)

whackyrusty's avatar

Write a screenplay. I’ve always wanted to do that and I come up with ideas all the time, especially when I can’t sleep.

Jack79's avatar

…also make a sitcom (just a small amateur production with some friends). I have the basic ideas and the cast, but I need to actually sit down and write the script, and I’m not sure if I can come up with enough original jokes to make enough episodes. But the characters are there, so I might try it soon.

Strauss's avatar

Home brew some:
convert all my vinyl to digital

laureth's avatar

Beer and wine aren’t terribly hard. Whiskey is a little illegal to make at home in the U.S., though.

Strauss's avatar

I tried some mead once, and it turned out pretty good. (strong stuff!!!) Whiskey is only illegal in the US if you make it to sell without the distillery license.

laureth's avatar

Making alcohol to sell is illegal without a license, but you can make a certain amount of beer or wine for home consumption and gifts. Home distillation at all is illegal without a license, whether or not there is intention to sell.

asmonet's avatar

Moonshine…is rough. :(

90s_kid's avatar

Sommone gimme another scoth for Christ’s sake!
It’s a quote from a movie, relax Gailcalled

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