Meta Question

cookieman's avatar

Has Fluthering replaced or infringed upon other hobbies you may have had pre-Fluther?

Asked by cookieman (41923points) January 23rd, 2009

Or has Fluthering simply been added to your ever-burgeoning to-do list?

Do you enjoy Fluthering so much, that other hobbies have fallen by the wayside?

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24 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

Life..outside of fluther!!?!? Could it really exist??.......
I thought it was just an urban legend….

dynamicduo's avatar

It has replaced some of my hobbies. But I’ve come to realize and accept that I can’t do all my hobbies at once. I sort of migrate through a broad list of hobbies depending on my moods and my feelings.

I actually felt really guilty awhile ago because I wasn’t able to dedicate time to all the things I wanted to do. I felt sad that I couldn’t play my guitar, especially when my fingernails got long and my callouses went away, which is a sure sign you haven’t been playing. Or with my various crafts that I’ve started and are in various percentages of completion. Or when a web design I’m playing around with isn’t updated for a long time. Or when I fail to update my blog regularly. But recently I’ve been able to take a step back and say to myself, “yeah you have a lot of interests, but there’s nothing wrong with picking them up and dropping them back every now and then. I mean, there’s only so much time in a day to do things, so you might as well spend your time enjoying the activity you’re doing now and not regretting abandoning another activity, because soon enough it will be that activity’s turn.

And with this message, I am now logging off of Fluther and going to trim my fingernails and tune up my guitar! While watching a Gordon Ramsay Cookalong Live episode too. Multitasking hobbies is something I’ve also learned (watching TV/movies while exercising, sewing, cooking, etc).

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t read books and magazines any more.

cookieman's avatar

To answer my own question…

I have seriously cut back on my comic book reading. I have a pile that are about three weeks old and I haven’t been to the store in two weeks.

I used to buy them and read them religiously every Wednesday.

Now – I Fluther.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I haven’t let Fluther completely drown out other interests that I have but since I have become a member here I’ve chosen to devote more time to this community than my other interests.

It’s a balancing act but Fluther is such a cool place to be with such a fine group of people that I’m just compelled (subconsciously and otherwise) to be here each day, no matter what. And the rest is history.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I love to read & I’m on two sites like this. I now spend A LOT of time on my computer so I don’t read like I used to. I have a whole bag of books waiting for my attention, & God only knows when I’m going to get to it. The book I am reading now, I’ve been on it for weeks. So, yes, fluther is infringing on my time. Even at work, I get on here.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Nope. Still doing what I do when I want to.

nebule's avatar

yes…reading books… although i slap myself occasionally and tell myself to get off the damn computer which i’m going to have to do more of now that i’m goign to be a…...student…. eek goodbye Fluther friends, hello slapface

battlemarz's avatar

It doesn’t get in the way of my hobbies, but it sure does get in the way of doing actual work at work. :)

augustlan's avatar

It infringes on things I need to be doing, not just hobbies! I really must get a handle on that. and I will. soon. maybe.

susanc's avatar

I don’t think of fluther as a hobby; I think of it as a resource. Am I kidding myself?

cookieman's avatar

It’s a resourceful hobby.

asmonet's avatar

Sometimes, I stare at my guitar and think, I’ll pick you up in an hour.

Six hours later, I’m lurving AstroChuck out the ass.

90s_kid's avatar

Yes. Definitely. I say that it is a hobby, too, but I am not putting it in my yearbook or anything.

cookieman's avatar

out the ass, you say

@90s_kid: Can all your fellow Flutherers sign your yearbook?

mij's avatar

It got me off Facebook…

90s_kid's avatar

Sure, I don’t know how though. Plus, not all of you are——I won’t say that.\
Another thing is that when I said that, I meant in like…12th grade. Honestly, I am a freshman, and I am not going to buy a yearbook.

dynamicduo's avatar

@90s_kid: Wow, that was harsh. You say you won’t say that, but then you go right ahead and DO say that. Talk about a slap in the face.

90s_kid's avatar

I am not the most liked, but the mods say that I can’t say that.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I rarely write on my xanga blog anymore. I was getting away from that anyway, as no one reads what I write there. Besides, this is more fun.

nebule's avatar

well, I’m hoping not… I’ve just started studying again so I’m going to have to stop coming on here as much as i have been doing… I think you should all tell me off every time you see me! please?

augustlan's avatar

@lynneblundell But we’ll miss you :(
Now, get back to work young lady!

nebule's avatar

@augustlan ah…how sweet…thank you It’s 20:13 here and I’m actually off to bed as I have been ill all day and feeling like I couldn’t concentrate on an ounce of philosophy i wonder what that looks like? Anyway, am missing you guys and gals already… xx

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I spend too much time here instead of seeking our small press companies to get my series of humorous Evelyn short stories published. Hell, I spent too much time here to even get the more complex ones finished. If you have to ask what is complex about fart jokes, you just don’t understand about writing humor. :-)

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