General Question

robmandu's avatar

How often do you replace your pillows?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) January 23rd, 2009

On your bed. Regularly like every six months? 1 year? 2 years? Or just whenever you feel like new ones are needed?

Do you think feather last longer than man-made? Vice versa?

Got any recommendations?

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15 Answers

Jbor's avatar

I cannot sleep without my Dunlopillo:

Unfortunately I cannot remember which one I have :-) They’re washable, but I replace them every few years. Haven’t used anything else for 20 years.

bristolbaby's avatar

I get new pillows every 5 years or so. I read somewhere that you are supposed to replace them more often than that for they are germ keepers.

OTOH – I have a summer camp and just noticed last summer that the label on the mattress is dated 1907!!!!!

Les's avatar

@bristol: Eew. 102 year old mattresses.

I change them once a year. I have pretty lousy allergies, and should probably change them more than that, but I can’t afford to on my meager, Wyoming welfare qualifying, grad student salary.

bristolbaby's avatar

I know…I knew they were old, but I didn’t realize HOW old!

new ones were delivered within a couple days…:>

elijah's avatar

I replace mine about every other year, probably should do it more often but they never look bad. I do steam them in my washer every so often. I just got some made by sleep better. They are called ISO-cool and they actually stay cold while you sleep. I love them but I wonder if whatever chemicals they use to make them stay cold can possibly be bad for my health. I had bought those memory foam ones when I got my new mattress but they really sucked. I expected better from pillows that cost over $100 each.

mea05key's avatar

never . i usually use old pillows handed down from my parents. They usually buy good ones which last forever.

asmonet's avatar

Oh jesus. Now I feel lazy. I can’t remember ever changing my pillow. I dunno…when it loses it’s fluff?

I have like twelve though, and I cycle through them, I sleep with like eight at a time. I am the most comfy person you’ll ever meet.

jessturtle23's avatar

Every two months. I have pillow issues. I probably own more pillows than most people.

susanc's avatar

I always throw them out when they’re flat and brownish. I’m very disciplined about this.

My husband of blessed memory could only sleep on pillows that had been broken down into what we called “flatties”.

I bought a fancy $100 down pillow in about 1988 that’s still puffy and nice.
Shoulda bought ten of em. Must have changed the pillowcases often enough, because it’s not very drooly.

steelmarket's avatar

Since I got my memory foam pillow a few years ago, I don’t see throwing it away – maybe ever.

Has anyone ever had a memory foam pillow “die”? Go flat? Get hard? Do these things go bad?

augustlan's avatar

Whenever they get too flat, or sometimes immediately after I buy new ones that I discover I hate! I like a combination of down pillows and man-made pillows. Down is too soft for my head, but perfect for hugging!

@asmonet Me, too! We have the comfiest bed ever: Fleece sheets and tons of pillows…ahhhh.

Edited to add: For the allergy sufferers and/or drooly sleepers: Buy zippered pillow covers that keep the allergens (and the drool) off the pillows. Just wash them when you wash your sheets/pillowcases, and your pillows will last longer.

Strauss's avatar

When they are no longer comfortable.

bobbinhood's avatar

The only time I ever replaced a pillow was after I lost it. That was over a year ago, and I still have no idea how that happened or where it went. I keep hoping this pillow will last forever, but I suppose I’ll replace it whenever it becomes uncomfortable. It only cost $5, so it’s bound to happen eventually.

As far as whether feather or man made last longer, I have no idea. My mother got me a feather pillow when I was little, and I couldn’t stand it (I felt like I was suffocating because my face would sink down into it, and the ends of the feathers were sharp when they poked out!). It took me a few weeks to convince her that the pillow made sleeping miserable, and she replaced it. I still can’t stand feather pillows, so I’ve used man-made ones ever since.

JessicaRTBH's avatar

I get new ones about every 6 months or so. I steam them in my washer but it seriously grosses me out to think about mites and drool being where I rest my head.

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