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missjena's avatar

Is there a way to open the iphone up?

Asked by missjena (923points) January 23rd, 2009

my phone just stopped working for no reason and i cant do anything to it and the screen stopped working and i cant turn it on. how do i open the iphone is there a way

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11 Answers

PIXEL's avatar

If you do are you planning on fixing it yourself?

missjena's avatar

i just want to take the battery out and put it back in

PIXEL's avatar

There are ways to do that but it is strongly recommended you get a professional to do it. The iPhone isn’t that kind of phone. What you could do though is restore it through iTunes. That might fix it.

missjena's avatar

but even when i plug in the charger nothing lights up and i already had a problem restoring it and last time it deleted all my contacts so id rather not restore it. usually with my other phones i would take out the b attery. is there a way to do that? the phones already messed up so i should at least try

PIXEL's avatar

Listen, once you see a Youtube video of someone opening up an iPhone you’ll understand. Just don’t do it yourself unless you want to make it permanently unusable when there is still a chance of saving it. Also when you restore its supposed to erase everything. That way it can get rid of anything harming the iPhone. Then it puts all your information back on (songs, contacts, photos..) So you should have your contacts already on your computer.

Also try holding your Sleep/Wake button and Home screen button for a few seconds and see if it turns on.

PIXEL's avatar

Wait, has it been less than a year that you bought your iPhone?

missjena's avatar

I was on the phone with apple for hours and they said lately this has been happening where itunes isnt saving all the info and that should never have happened. I am so sick of this phone. I have had this phone for a little over a year

PIXEL's avatar

Do you have a warranty. I guess your warranty would cover it.

missjena's avatar

I dont think so. I dont remember, I am on the phone with apple again for the second time this week. I am starting to student teach and this is the worst time my phone could bail on me because my supervisor needs to be able to contact me at all times. I cant even get my numbers now.

PIXEL's avatar

Since the phone is GSM, you could pop out the SIM card at the top but pushing a paperclip through the little hole and put it into another phone until you get the problem fixed. Thats an advantage with GSM phones. I’m out of ideas. Sorry about your iPhone problems. Hope you find a solution.

cwilbur's avatar

Bring it to your local Apple store. Putting the iPhone back together is three or four times as hard as taking it apart; if you can’t figure out how to take it apart, you will never figure out how to put it back together.

Your two useful options are having someone fix it or replacing it. All that opening it up will do is eliminate the first option.

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