General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

How do you feel now that we know Bush was spying on EVERYONE?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) January 24th, 2009
I know we have a new President and things are “different” now, but do we accept that it happened and just ignore it, or prosecute to the fullest extent of law?

Please dont say,” well, I wasnt doing anything wrong.”

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28 Answers

willbrawn's avatar

Do you have more proof besides a Youtube video? I’m pretty sure he didn’t spy on me. I’m not that exciting lol

cookieman's avatar

Well, if he did, I hope he got my good side.

jazzjeppe's avatar

I am flattered

Cardinal's avatar

This is a something like a Chicken Little comment.

Snoopy's avatar

I don’t really care if the Bush Administration did this or if the Obama administration does this in the future. To me, it is a not a big deal.

Would I prefer to have complete privacy? Sure.

But I would prefer to prevent another terrorist attack, more.

So if safety is what I get, then privacy is fine to give, IMO.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar


Benjamin franklin said, “any society that gives up essential liberty, for temporary security, deserve neither.”

If journalists are being spied on, who do we depend on for credible information?

It is people like you that allow fascism to happen. In Nazi germany, you would be what they called a “good german.”

Snoopy's avatar

@chris6137 How unnecessarily inflammatory.

You don’t know that journalists are being spied on….why would you give more credibiltiy to these reports than you would anything else you read or hear…?

I suspect that you want to believe it to be true as it feeds your personal need for conspiracy and intrigue….

susanc's avatar

@snoopy,jazz,cprevite,cardinal – whoa. This was illegal. There were legal options, and they were stepped on like dogshit.

You slipped through the noose? Good for you. Aren’t you special.

The question wasn’t, “Did you get in trouble?” The question was, “How do you feel about a President who feels no compunction about secretly breaking the law?”

The administration could have asked Congress to pass a special law allowing universal surveillance. But this administration has felt it was above the law. It was an outlaw administration. You think rendition, torture, Guantanamo are okay? I don’t think you do. This is part of the same pattern. The fact that you personally didn’t get hurt is entirely irrelevant.

Citizens have responsibility for the community. We need to be outraged. We need to prosecute.

steve6's avatar

great answer Chris

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Maybe it is never proven that journalists are being spied on. Maybe you are right. People must be aware of the abuses that these laws allow. It is all about incrementalism with government. It never all happens or comes out at once. Throughout history, with power, came abuse of power. We have a government based on our Constitution. That is the law. The 4th amendment states a right to privacy. The three branches are supposed to make sure these rights are not violated. What happens when the president uses spying against members of congress?

Here is a great psychological article on terrorism called Why is Terrorism so Terrifying? We should be having a war on cancer or a war on heart disease, not terrorism.

The government needs to mind it’s own business, here and abroad. The government is supposed to be there to protect our rights. All it does is take them away. I just want to be left alone, go to work, and keep the money I make and not work 6 months out of the year to pay taxes for things that are being used against me. That is a conspiracy and I am very intrigued with it

Snoopy's avatar

@chris6137 I lost interest in this thread when you did the “people like you..” bit…

I hope you find the answers you are looking for….

cookieman's avatar

@susanc I don’t disagree with you (or @chris6137).

I was being sardonic.

judochop's avatar

I pretty much assumed as much. That G.W. Bush is a voyer. I always took my clothes off to music and made sure to turn towards the camera during every shower. Every now and again I would uh, give him a show. Bush never even called me.

cookieman's avatar

^ ^ also sardonic ^ ^

judochop's avatar

@cprevite…maybe, but totally true.

augustlan's avatar

The whole thing pisses me off. Should we prosecute? I don’t know it that would really be best for the country. It would take brighter minds than my own to make that determination.

bodyhead's avatar

First of all, Judo that’s my camera in your bathroom… not Bush’s.

It pisses me off when the government spies on its citizens. Do you think the Bush Co pals are above using wiretaps and spying to spy on the opposing political agendas within our own country? I don’t.

kevbo's avatar (you don’t have to login if it asks for a login—just refresh or click back or something)

How did they know which homes to raid?

Knotmyday's avatar

Wow. Thank goodness gracious we have someone to blame everything on.

How rational.

amanderveen's avatar

What has shocked me about this thread is that this apparently isn’t old news! I guess I’d assumed that since I don’t live in the US and knew Bush was doing stuff like this that the majority of Americans must already know as well but were just (basically) powerless to do much about it under the Bush regime.

We have privacy laws in Canada and when what Bush was doing came to light, it became a huge issue since we deal closely with US companies. I remember being warned about submitting information anywhere if you didn’t know where the company you were dealing with stored its information. Even if it was a Canadian company who stored their info in the US (either because it was a convenient contract or because a parent company was American, or their accounting firm had a US partner or something), that information was at risk of being illegally picked up and used by the US gov’t, regardless of the laws governing access to that information in Canada. I had spoken to American citizens who outright told me that they didn’t like Bush, but felt uncomfortable discussing their dislike online too much because they were seriously afraid it would get them “flagged”. I know of others who left the US as a self-imposed exile because they were uncomfortable with what Bush was doing. Because of all this, I figured it must have been widely known about in the US as well….

sndfreQ's avatar

@Knotmyday-really? He was the commander-in-chief, but I’m sure that in context, “Bush” is GW and everyone else in the subordinate posts and agencies (see the vid) that were involved.

Nice flippant response IAC…

judochop's avatar

@bodyhead well then, is there anything special you want for tonight’s show?

susanc's avatar

@cprevite: thank god. I thought you had gone over to the dark side.

cookieman's avatar

@susanc: no, no. nothing to fear. unless they have better cookies on the dark side.

Fancymouse's avatar

hahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahah i say whateva to him

jfrederick's avatar


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