General Question

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Everything old is new again?

Asked by AlfredaPrufrock (9394points) January 24th, 2009

The advent of Internet shopping has me thinking how, in spite of technological advances does not mean real change. 100 years ago, Americans would order goods through the Sears catalog, and wait for the Wells Fargo wagon to deliver the order. Today, you go on Amazon or another ordering site, and wait for the Brown (UPS) to show up with your order. Either way, you wait.

The same is true with graphic design. In the “old days” layouts were marker renderings on boards. Once the layout was approved, it went into production which everyone knew took time. Today, you can put together a layout that looks pretty finished using scrap art and inexpensive photography. However, it still takes time to put together files that can be printed, even if the layout looks like a finished piece.

We have instant access to people, virtual communities, but are we less lonely?

Are there other things that “progress” appears to have changed, but really hasn’t?

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3 Answers

cookieman's avatar

I like to point out to my Photoshop students that:

The QuickMask mode is a nod to rubyliths from old screen-printing techniques.

The Dodge and Burn tools are taken from the physical tools in a darkroom.

The concept of Layers is similar to that of old cell animation.

And on and on.

A solid foundation never waivers. The house that rests upon it is what changes with the times.

steve6's avatar

I still use old-fashioned reference books because sometimes I want to know in a hurry. My computers have 3gb and 2gb RAM (Vista and XP) and they both still take too much time to boot up.

aprilsimnel's avatar

No matter what new-fangled machines, pills or potions come onto the market, the method remains the same:

Eat less, move more.

Darn it.

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