General Question

wondersteph's avatar

Does anyone know anything about lomography cameras?

Asked by wondersteph (294points) January 25th, 2009

I want one, but I also don’t want to pay a fortune. I’m wondering if anyone knows a good brand.

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9 Answers

judochop's avatar

I am a lomographer. The beauty of lomo’s is that they do not cost a fortune and film is cheap.
Start with a Holga
It is super simple to use and it will start an addiction that can grow to be expensive.
Don’t pay over $40 for a new Holga, ever.

wondersteph's avatar

thanks! :)
I was looking at those, but I just felt totally overwhelmed!

kapuerajam's avatar

You can get a lot of lomographic cameras at urban outfitters for under $68.00. I have a fisheye 1($48.00)

pekenoe's avatar

If you like the “lomo” look, but don’t want use film, there’s a great tutorial using Photoshop editing to imitate lomo photos. I used Paint Shop Pro and managed to get similar results.

lomo tut

Easy to see why one is attracted, unique photos.

judochop's avatar

@pekenoe The beauty of lomography that can’t be replicated in photoshop is that most lomo cameras are different, each one…Like a finger print.

pekenoe's avatar

@judochop interesting, I know the fellow that did the tutorial was certainly taken by them. I had never heard of them, the image in the tutorial got my attention so I had to try. Very interesting, nice to know. He mentioned something about using different solutions in the processing too.

Does the image in the tutorial compare to what you would describe as a lomo photograph? Do you have any posted that I could see?

judochop's avatar

Photoshop duplicates the process well however there is that something special you get out each lomo camera. I currently do not have any posted but I should have a website by march. Cheers!

pekenoe's avatar

@judochop that would be great, if possible would you send me the link when you get it up and running? I’d be very much interested.

Picasa is my favorite public display forum, lots of room and it’s free. Link to my folders below. I’m learning, just bought PS4, proficient with Paint Shop Pro X2. Nikon D200, Canon Rebel XT

My Picasa Folders

Have a stellar day.

miniheehaw's avatar

It just seems so terribly wrong to use PhotoShop to simulate the effect of Lomo cameras. So defeating of the point.

Wondersteph! I recommend getting the Holga starter kit found on the Lomographic Society Web site(over here! It’s the basic model and provides a delightfully written instruction book with really great tips and advice, film, and a cool book about what others have done with their sweet Holgas.

Good luck!!!

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