General Question

Jude's avatar

Has this ever happened to you, where you find some physically attractive when you're in love/love them (whilst dating), but, after you break-up, and when looking back at their pictures, your response is, say, "Meh, not so cute".

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 25th, 2009
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8 Answers

Allie's avatar

First of all, I don’t keep pictures or things from my exes. It’s just something I’d rather not do. Having said that, I have seen photos of one of my exes since then and thought that he wasn’t as cute as I remembered, but that probably has something to do with me not liking him much as a person anymore.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s like, “What was I thinking??? What did I ever see in her? She’s like, you know, ugly as… oh what is it…. you know, one of those dogs and their noses are all squishy in their faces??”

And I’m kicking myself. Now I understand all those snickers that was happening every time I walked down the street with her. Sometimes they didn’t even bother to hide it behind their fakey hands. They’d just point and laugh, but I didn’t get it back them. I was in love. You know? Luuuuuuuuuve!

She was so beautifyl. Like a mermaid. A rose. That apple that gets in your eye—I never understood that one. So everything waz going byoooteeeful and then she dumps me!

Can you believe it? Me??? Like, I was so bummed. I didn’t even want to ice cream. I know you chicks can dig that. Like you get bummed, and there you are, sitting on your beds, a pint of Hoogie Doogie in your hands. But me? Uh uh. I couldn’t get it down if someone held a gun to my head.

And then… and then, you know, I’d like burned everything that had anything to do with her, but my buddy comes by, and he’s like got this photo album, you know, with all the pictures printed out on like photo paper, and then pasted in to an honest to goodness paper book? I nearly dropped my kindle on the floor.

ANd it falls open, and there she is, smushy face and all, only this time I could see what she really looked like, and man, wuz I embarrassed! Unbelievable. Almost made me pray to the porcelain god. “Not so cute” don’t say the half of it! I musta been blind. But you know. You right jmah. Dat happened to me bigtime, and I ain’t neva gonna have that happen again. Next time, I ain’t goin to no dog kennel to get me a bitch!!!!

ark_a_dong's avatar

It’s because when you’re attracted to someone, or in love with them rather, you ignore all of their flaws, physical or otherwise.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Sometimes it is the exact opposite.

augustlan's avatar

Sort of. I mean they still look the same, I’m just perceiving them differently.

flameboi's avatar

Yes, but the “What the hell!” or “I must have been desperate…” come to mind more often…

steelmarket's avatar

Love is blind.
This cliche is actually true.

timeand_distance's avatar

MOST times with me it’s the opposite.

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