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rutheena's avatar

Does Coffee helping me to be alert?

Asked by rutheena (46points) January 25th, 2009

When I felt like sleeping in my work place, people tell me to drink coffee. Does it really help?

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12 Answers

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Coffee is over-rated imho. It may give you a quick jolt but it doesn’t last long and eventually you become immune to its effects.

madcapper's avatar

Grab a bindle of cocaine… thats what rich people do. Or so I hear…

Bluefreedom's avatar

Coffee has a different effect on indvidual people. I like to drink coffee myself because I like the taste but as far as keeping me awake and alert, the caffeine doesn’t help me with that at all. I can drink a cup of coffee after work and then lay down and immediately go to sleep.

In contrast to this, I’ve seen co-workers of mine drink a couple of cups of coffee and then bounce off the walls for an hour or so. The only way you’re going to know if coffee has the effect on you that you want it to have is to drink some coffee and see how your body reacts to it.

FrancisRude's avatar

Well it all depeneds on your system and how it reacts to that. But coffee has caffeine, so it stimulates your brain and nervous system telling you to do things differently. That can mean ignoring fatigue, increase alertness or other things.

The best thing to do is it give it a shot when you need it. I dont like drinking coffee and maybe use it for special reasons. I have had a super strong coffee that literally gave me palpitations. But to me its like a last resort. Give it a shot and see if it works for you, till then no one can tell you the right answer or what your looking for at least. I think..

Vinifera7's avatar

You could also try caffeine pills, if you don’t like the taste of coffee. Personally I like coffee as a drink, not just a stimulant.

It would help to know your tolerance to caffeine. Some people have low tolerance and get very jittery when drinking coffee or energy drinks.

nikipedia's avatar

Yeah. Caffeine reduces the action of adenosine, which, as it builds up, makes you sleepy.

judochop's avatar

Have you tried just sleeping more, I’ve heard it works but I have not been able to grasp it. Hence I’m typing this from bed at 3:09am. Ugh.

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

Lots of time you get sleepy at work because you get dehydrated—like around 3:00 in the afternoon. I find that drinking water, and getting up and moving around for about 10 minutes usually helps.

dynamicduo's avatar

It may help, it may not help. Everyone is different. Something that’s great is getting up and moving around. Go for a brisk 5 minute walk inside or better yet outside, drink a cup of cold water, and you should be revitalized.

steelmarket's avatar

It can help you wake up, but it’s hell on grammar.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’d say try drinking coffee, and if that doesn’t work, straight intravenous injections of espresso are your next best bet.

Vinifera7's avatar

There’s nothing like espresso granules clogging up your capillaries.

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