What do you think of the Duggars?
Is anyone else besides me sick of the Duggar family?
I really hate these Jesus-freak rednecks. I feel Jim Bob and Michelle are just media whores in love with the spotlight, using parenthood for attention. I really makes me sick.
Please tell me what is so great about overpopulating this planet? Christ! Eighteen kids aren’t enough for these hicks? They still want to have more! What is wrong with these people? What kind of woman would want to do that to her body anyway? Can you imagine what their coupling must be like? I think it would be akin to throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
And what could be more sickening than to make sure all eighteen of their children have names that begin with “J”? Oh, and the kids all play different instruments in the “family band.” These people are really sick.
What is wrong with television? Why are these stains getting all this airtime?
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22 Answers
They need to use condoms!
The movement they’re part of is a little bit scary to me.
These people are fucked in the head… They need to get Jim bobs hick ass a vasectomy.
The scary thing is all their little children of the corn are gonna grow up and spit out about 15 kids of their own who will in turn create an army of psycho Evangelical freaks.
@Astro do they really have a “family band”? God I hope so. I bet the little one, probably named Joe Jack, plays the fucking giant booze jug and it’s cute as hell until you realize that it’s actually the scariest thing you’ve ever seen…
They totally creep me out.
I don’t even care so much that they have so many kids, but they are like Stepford Kids. Dress alike, same hair, practically the same name, and glassy eyed to boot.
All their children take piano and violin, girls also take harp lessons.
They scare the fuck out of me.
I agree they are scary, except for Jim Bob they are a Stepford family. I watched a few of the shows and the most telling things were:
The mother was talking about when she had 4 children (under the age of 6) how difficult it was then Jim Bob evidently took her in hand and trained her how to be a better mother-and how by obeying him has made life much easier.
Then in one story the oldest child came home for a visit. Evidently she left the house at 18, moved to LA and has no interest in starting a family until she is over 30. On her annual visit back she lasted about 2 days and then she was out of there.
I expect most of those kids will be gone as soon as they get their first whiff of free air.
If it’s any consolation, I’ve never heard of them.
they seem like more of a cult than a family….it seems like they mean well but all they’re doing in the end is harming their kids by keeping them so sheltered and cut off from the world they should choose to dress and be the way they are…and they def dont get the amount of individual attention they each deserve…18 kids thats just 17 too many
I have a pal who likes to joke that the gay one is going to have the most fantastically spectacular, headline-grabbing flameout when (s)he discovers it.
I’m all, like, just one???
I think they have a right to have as many kids as they want, but I really don’t see how it’s healthy for her body.
Also, I strongly disagree with pairing up an older kid with a younger child…they basically raise that child. And I don’t believe in how she disciplines such young children. Not cool.
One thing is for sure, it is not healthy for her to be having so many kids. However, I think it’s ridiculous, immature, and extremely rude for someone to say they are “hicks” or part of a “cult.” And perhaps the most disrespectful thing said was that they need to “wear a condom” or “get Jim Bob’s hick ass a vasectomy.” Jim Bob and Michelle are better parents than most of the parents out there in the world today. Sure, I don’t believe in not cutting my hair, and I don’t wear skirts—ever. I swear, cheat, lie, and sometimes miss church. However, these people have given their lives utterly and completely to God. They are letting God decide when they are going to have more children, which I think is a very mature and brave thing to do.
I’m so sick of hearing about how the older kids are “paired up” with the younger ones. I have five little siblings and from the time I was 10 I’ve had to babysit them. Even now, though I no longer live at home, I still go out of my way to take care of my little siblings and make sure to lead them in the right direction. Helping out the parents by mentoring a young child…forgive me if I’m missing something here but how is that wrong?
Oh, and not to mention, this family does everything they can to make the best of what they have. They also have a tiny carbon footprint for a family that large. They are responsible and they love to give back. Michelle is a wonderful mother and just because she doesn’t get angry and yell at her children doesn’t mean she is in a cult. Jim Bob has worked hard to do what he can for his children. When their oldest son Josh got married, it was his father who helped him by getting him set up with his own used car dealership. All the kids wear hand-me-downs when possible, and of course they rent out their commercial buildings. However, that show is probably one of the things they need to support their family. They are not on television because they’re “attention whores” or whatever one of you mindless ignorant children said. They need that money to help support the family. And what is wrong with spreading the word of God to the nation?
I’ll tell you this: the world would be a MUCH better place if more families were like this. It’s not like they are making up some strange, deranged form of parenting—look back a few decades. Children in the early 20th century were raised this way, and obviously they did fine as we are all alive today aren’t we? There is no sin in having strong faith in God. Also, there is no sin in letting Him lead your life in whichever way He sees fit. All the Duggar children are polite and charming. Sure, they’re a little sheltered but it hasn’t stopped them from leading normal lives.
It hurts me to know that the first thing everyone wants to do is judge each other. Even I did it in this short post. Just let everyone else live their own lives as they see fit. How does it hurt you what they do? I’ll be sure to say a prayer for everyone that God may help you all, myself included, live happy lives and not to focus on how others are leading their lives.
OK I watched the Duggars back when they only had 16 kids but got disgusted with the Stepford Wives meets The Waltons vibe. It was supposed to be all about how their life was all down to earth and basic but they do appear on a lot of other shows. I can see the morning shows, when you have to fill 15 hrs of live TV you’ll book anything but what happened to the just plain folks Duggars dragging their kids away from home and 24/7 laundry.
I was watching a program about Kleinfeld’s, the wedding gown superstore in NYC when who walks in but the Duggars! Michelle and Jim Bob are going to renew their wedding vows and since there are no bridal shops in Arkansas they have to drag 18 kids and a pregnant mom 2000 miles to find a designer dress. Well Michelle was only concerned about hiding her baby belly and the kids were bored, climbing over the furniture and smacking each other. As usual it was all about Jim Bob as he chose the fabric, shade if white and lace. She ended up with a Little House on the Prairie home made dress like she and her daughters wear everyday. Totally phony
If she ever kills him, put mr on the jury-justifiable homicide.
In some ways I feel it is their decision and if they can support them without government assistance of any kind.. then that’s their business for the most part.
-However, I believe their children are not being properly educated nor exposed to society of today or being socialized adequately and this will hinder these children in the long run it’s probably why their eldest & married son, Josh who’s 22y, still lives at home w/his parents along with his wife. When he should be off on his own with his wife in THEIR own home VS having this “don’t ask-don’t tell policy” of what he & his wife do with his parents. He could be graduating from college at age 22 vs being married & living in his parents home with his wife, still taking care of his younger siblings.
-Jim Bob & Michelle did use birth control when they 1st got married & waited for 4yrs til they had Josh, then Michelle went back on the “pill” yet still got pregnant (which can happen. as the “pill” is not a100% guarantee) yet she miscarried, thus they took it as a sign from “God”, who Michelle the youngest of 7 children was never really exposed to Christianity til just b4 n then after meeting Jim Bob, who is the youngest of 2 (has an older sister).
-I know they’ve had essen good careers in real estate, as neither of them have a college education and they were only 17 (M) n 19 (JB) when they married in ‘84. But in today’s economy, real estate isn’t very profitable & most jobs today require a college education. So what is to happen to all of these children and THEIR futures VS whatever their parents may think as I don’t see ‘God Providing’ for all the homeless n out of work in the USA, who are having to go on govt. assistance & being the USA we really shouldn’t have any homeless people vs other countries, yet we do!!
-So it just boggles my mind, that two could be so selfish to have so many children without any concern for their futures lives as adults of their own, away from their parents.
-I’m sure they love their children, but let’s get real. There are only 24hrs in a day, so how much quality time, in all reality, can these two truly give 19 children, esp when one is a newborn & requires more attention vs older children? Let alone how much these children or what these children are learning being home schooled. At least send them off to a public school, if anything or hire tutors, as I know they’re making decent money from the TLC reality show, plus they had 5, 1hr specials on Discovery Health that covered Michelle’s 4 of 5 last pregnancies & deliveries as the 1st special was “14 & Counting”. The Gosselins by 2009 were making $22k+ per espisode in their last season & made like $510k total for that final season in 2009. So geez buy them some NEW clothes & send them to public schools for their benefit, not the parents own benefit & beliefs. Let them learn to be Individuals not glued to another sibling with that buddy system the Duggars use.
I think that the Duggars are not being considerate. It is no way that each of those children are getting the individalized attention that they need from a parent. They seem to make the older one take care of the yonger ones while they keep spitting out children. I do not care how it appears on television but you cannot tell me that all of those kids are happy go lucky with the situation. Being sheltered, the older ones taking care of the younger ones, not being alble to interact with other children besides their siblings. And it is funny how they say they dont really allow television in the home but they are on television having a reality show most likely making money from something they so despise in their home. Ijust hope that Jim Bob is not out there secretly doing other things while he keeps his pregnant wife knocked up on a yearly basis because Im sure Michelle would be devasted that her “loving husband” betrayed her. If they split up where would that leave her with all them kids that she had for him?
Yea it is great that they are not on government assistance but no one is thinking of the children. Children need individualized attention from their parents. The older will probably resent the fact that they never got this from them because they are so busy being little adults instead of enjoying their teenage years. These children most likely will not be prepared for the real world because they have been so sheltered. It about the kids and I think many of them will have some issues as they grow older. I wold like to see each of them in seperate interviews in about 10 to 15 years and I willing to bet that they most of them would reveal that what their parents made them do was not all that wonderful.
The duggars are nuts to have 20 children , and they teach their home , the children don’t mix with other children
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