General Question

Harp's avatar

What would be your motto?

Asked by Harp (19179points) January 27th, 2009

If you had to come up with a pithy expression of your guiding principle, what would it be?

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37 Answers

Bagardbilla's avatar

I tell everyone this who I know is working towards a goal in their endevour. Ignore what negativity others bring forth &: “Be like water, take the path of least resistence”

bodyhead's avatar

I always say, “Hands are for helping”. It’s fun, quirky and accurate during the day. At night it’s as dirty as you’d like it to be.

pekenoe's avatar

“End every day with NO regrets”

Maverick's avatar

Well, my motto IS – “I was born ready”

GAMBIT's avatar

Look both ways you may learn something new.

jonsblond's avatar

The pleasure of what we enjoy is lost by wanting more.

flameboi's avatar

“live the dream, all the way to the end!!!
“Nothing exceeds like excess…”

aprilsimnel's avatar

Cogito ergo genero: I think, therefore I create

pekenoe's avatar

@jonsblond that’s perfect, you good….. edited: Google says it’s a fortune cookie, but.. it’s still great.

jonsblond's avatar

@pekenoe You caught me! I still like to live by it though. I’ve got it stuck to the fridge. :)

or the “frizzer” as they say here at fluther

pekenoe's avatar

@jonsblond agreed, I just sent it too everyone on my email list.

Dog's avatar

Live life, take risks, reach for goals beyond your dreams. Only then will you reach you destiny.

shadling21's avatar

Can I recycle an old one? “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

oasis's avatar

Never a Backward Step

miasmom's avatar

Sometimes it’s ok to color outside the lines. (I saw it on a card somewhere.)

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I guess just take responsibility for your own situation and beware of complacency

Lightlyseared's avatar

Life is not a popularity contest.

dynamicduo's avatar


Or more explicitly, “Think for yourself.”

asmonet's avatar


chelseababyy's avatar

Practice makes perfect,
or in my case, makes you fall flat on your face, just to make you get up and try again.

KrystaElyse's avatar

From the late great George Carlin:

“I say live and let live. That’s my motto. Live and let live. Anyone who can’t go along with that, take ‘em outside and shoot the motherfucker.”


fireside's avatar

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

mea05key's avatar

Learn to accept that most people are full of shyts and selfish. by mea05key

mjchatter's avatar

Without a doubt: “No Day But Today”

Trustinglife's avatar

Life can be trusted. It’s safe to relax.

flovalflyer's avatar

It’s better to be lucky than good.

chelseababyy's avatar

What you give is what you get.

That’s DEF the case with me.

Harp's avatar

@chelseababyy That’s not what I hear

augustlan's avatar

Do the right thing. Period.

pekenoe's avatar

My favorite by someone else, not sure who:

Life is a jar of jalepenos, what you eat today, will bite you in the ass tomorrow”

jonsblond's avatar

@pekenoe lol… Oh how that burn hurts! :)

pekenoe's avatar

@jonsblond Oh yeah…..luv em though. Thanks, guess the next fav saying as you get bit would be “C’mon ice cream”

VS's avatar

My motto would have to be: “If you want to change your life, change your life.”
A close second favorite would be: “The sun don’t shine on the same dog’s ass everyday.”

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

“I walk my talk, please walk your talk or kindly move aside”

shamallama's avatar

write your name in kindness love and mercy on the hearts of the thousands you meet and you will become an undeniable master piece none can ever forget…..
this was told to me by a teacher i once had as a kid. its always stuck with me and still does
the next best one is live each day with no regrets and as if it were your last:)

augustlan's avatar

@shamallama Nice. Welcome to Fluther!

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