General Question

warpling's avatar

How do I stylize a tumblr feed?

Asked by warpling (852points) January 28th, 2009

I’m competent in css, and html, but what confuses me is how tumblr provides a one line javascript solution for embedding a blog. I don’t know how to format something broken down into some symbols and bullets from an api call. Am I missing something here?
Link to what I am trying to embed.

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3 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

You would style what is created by that line, not the line you’re seeing. There’s quite a bit of HTML in there as well, your browser is just interpreting it, view the source and you’ll see quite a few hooks.

Whatever document calls that line of javascript would need to have the style information you want used on it.

Does that make sense?

warpling's avatar

I have viewed source, and I do see the classes now. I’ll try again and get back to you. Thanks!

warpling's avatar

I figured it out! Thanks again.

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