General Question

Siren's avatar

What's a bad habit that you've been trying to break for years?

Asked by Siren (3422points) January 29th, 2009

I admit I am one of those individuals who abuse a Q-TIP, inserting it in the ear-canal further than it should ever have been designed to venture. The sensation is great, and addictive. I have been addicted to this habit on and off again over the years. Some days are good, some are bad. Would you care to share your bad habit(s), or what you consider to be a bad habit (others may find it to be a good habit)?

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51 Answers

mea05key's avatar

Bad sleeping habit, procrastination, being an idiot, masturbation. There are more but i shall stop here.

Siren's avatar

@mea05key: You’ve named some of my other bad habits too! Thanks for your answer.

elijah's avatar

Smoking, over plucking my eyebrows, biting my nails, procrastinating, going to bed with makeup on, sleeping with my contacts in, shall I continue? Haha I’m horrible.

DandyDear711's avatar

Plucking white weird hairs, sleeping in contacts, procrastinating, spending too much time on the internet…

Siren's avatar

Oh, I forgot one: going to bed without brushing my teeth. Yes, very gross. I’ve been forced to overcome that habit recently though (gums fermenting)

Siren's avatar

@elijahsuicide: Yes, please continue. It’s helping me make my own list larger.

Emdean1's avatar

Biting my nails I really hate it and sometimes don’t even notice when I am doing it. I have tried all the tricks. I think I will try hipnosis next.

DandyDear711's avatar

@Emdean1 – I do that too…

elijah's avatar

this is weird but I have a bad habit of NEEDING my underwear, bra, and socks to match.

jonsblond's avatar

I bite the inside of my cheek all the time. When I was younger, my dentist told me that it could become a problem, but I still do it. So hard to stop!

cookieman's avatar

Compulsively answering Fluther questi…AHHHH, Dammit!

Judi's avatar

@Emdean1 ; have you tried acrylic nails? It worked for me.

bythebay's avatar

compulsive shoe & purse shopping

Siren's avatar

@bythebay: I liked your answer so much, I made it into a question. Shopping was a baaaad habit for me, but it died down as I had to tighten my purse doh!

cookieman's avatar

OK, a non-joke answer.

I am a terrible procrastinator.

I’m good with deadlines, but if it’s a task or project without an actual deadline – it never gets done.

Iphone35's avatar

Oh gosh, i get off on medium build women with curvy legs and dimpled smiles wearing shorts or med. Length skirts. Darn it I am such a freak :-(.

AngryNugget's avatar

Procrastination by masturbation!!

Bluefreedom's avatar

Internet Porn.

AngryNugget's avatar

I see a pattern emerging!

Siren's avatar

This thread is taking a dark turn….unrated

Iphone35's avatar

oh forget a weirder habit of mine, getting off when women sniff their hands or fingers, I am so weird….

Iphone35's avatar

but now I m working on my lesser weird but expensive habit with cellphones.

Siren's avatar

@lphone35: I’m sorry. I can’t give you lurve. I would like to, but…smells her own fingers

aprilsimnel's avatar

Shredding my cuticles. Bad.

mangeons's avatar

I recently stopped biting my nails, and I really need to stop going to sleep with my glasses on… I keep losing them D:

jca's avatar

twirling my hair.

letting the car’s gas tank get to where the empty light is on (lazy about getting gas).

SuperMouse's avatar

I play online way too much and I have a peanut M&M’s monkey on my back.

scamp's avatar

@SuperMouse I just finished a bag of peanut M&M’s!!

I’m a part time nail biter, and I hate it. for some odd reason, I don’t do it in the summer, so by August, I have long beautiful nails.. odd huh?

seVen's avatar

Used to be most if not all mentioned above plus then some, I , rather Jesus saved me from all that and I’m now free.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Plucking my eyelashes (it’s called trichotillomania).

And procrastination, casual sex, and eating raisinettes.

Blondesjon's avatar

I have a real problem being awesome all the time.

for real…my mom told me so

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I solved the not brushing my teeth bad habit. I now wear dentures. I look at the other things I do that might be considered as bad habits as unique personality quirks. :-)

augustlan's avatar

Smoking. Correcting people. Not sleeping. Procrastination. Popping pimples. Oh, there are many!

jca's avatar

i am also a procrastinator, but figure this won’t change. (that’s a good attitude, isn’t it?)

steelmarket's avatar

Shooting my dirty clothes into the laundry bin with my best hook shot. Drives the wife crazy, even though I seldom miss.
Wasting time with iPhone apps.

cookieman's avatar

@steelmarket If I can ask, who does the clothes? – you or the wife?

steelmarket's avatar

Both, plus a teenage son. Sometimes no one. Can get complicated. Laundry. Complicated. Sad commentary….

But my hook shot is legendary.

cookieman's avatar

@steelmarket Well I say, if you’re doing your fair share of the laundry (and your hook shot is as amazing as you say) – then you should shoot to your heart’s desire.

steelmarket's avatar

Right on! Gimme three!

Judi's avatar

@steelmarket, I figured out how to uncomplicate laundry, especially when the kids were teenagers. In our house, everyone is responsible for their OWN laundry. When the kids were home they even had their designated color towel so they couldn’t steal someone elses clean one.

mangeons's avatar

Oh yeah, I correct people all the time and it drives them crazy! And I never get to sleep before midnight. yawn

steelmarket's avatar

Judi, we operate under the same basic setup, but with our crazy schedules we each end up doing laundry for all at some time – or all letting it slide!

DandyDear711's avatar

@Judi I have color coded the towels too. I don’t want any of them to use mine!

bythebay's avatar

@judi & Dandy: I must also confess to the color coded towel scenario!

Sooner_Coolkat's avatar

Adult on adult porn and masturbation are not bad habits and should not be treated as they are. My worst bad habit is skipping days at the gym and eating things later than I should.

bythebay's avatar

@Sooner_Coolkat: Too much of anything can be bad.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Is strangling people that annoy you considered a bad habit? I don’t do it yet, but I am thinking of starting. :-)

Siren's avatar

I think murder may be a bad habit. Best not to start at all.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Siren why is it that all the fun things are illegal or fattening? Doesn’t seem fair.

Siren's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra: No answer. I agree. I think slaughtering someone once would get all my worldly frustrations out with one wack.

Do assassins have normal blood pressure levels?

JellyB's avatar

My laziness and procrastination.

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