General Question

nmguy_'s avatar

I'm a CA transplant living in New Mexico. Please give me one good reason for returning to the Golden State.

Asked by nmguy_ (73points) January 29th, 2009
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23 Answers

DrBill's avatar

California Girls

tinyfaery's avatar

If you need me to give you a reason maybe you should just stay where you are, or move someplace else. CA has it all, and you should know this.

Jeruba's avatar

I agree with tinyfaery. The question sounds a little bit chip-on-the-shoulderish to me, actually, making me wonder what the real question is. There are lots of great places to live, and California is only one of them.

tinyfaery's avatar

Lurve to Jeruba for “chip-on-the-shoulderish”.

loser's avatar

I’m here. We could hang out?

Mizuki's avatar

Because you are in New Mexico?

LKidKyle1985's avatar

forget the west coast, the east coast is where its at!

lataylor's avatar

I am also a CA transplant living in Albuquerque. I like it here and would never move back to So. California. I do not miss the traffic, crowds, rude people, expensive parking, taxes, DMV fees…everything. We feel more relaxed, peaceful, happier here. And we have a nice house finally.

AstroChuck's avatar

It’s the home of AstroChuck.

kevbo's avatar

Wow. 2 more New Mexicans. 505 baby!

I’m keepin’ it ‘querque.

Welcome to the Land of Entrapment.

googlybear's avatar

Because getting tax refunds in the form of checks or direct deposit is so overrated. Wouldn’t you rather have an IOU from CA?

lapilofu's avatar

Cheeseboard Pizza in Berkeley.

AstroChuck's avatar

Or even better, Woodstock’s Pizza in Davis.
And best of all, Pizza My Heart in Capitola.

asmonet's avatar

lurve for:
keepin’ it ‘querque

miasmom's avatar

What’s so bad about New Mexico?

googlybear's avatar

@Astrochuck: I’m with you on Woodstocks…

nmguy_'s avatar

Part of my question was chopped off. In essence, I’m asking whether friends & family in CA are more important than an affordable, enriching lifestyle in NM.

miasmom's avatar

friends and family are important, but whether or not they are more important, only you can decide…

lataylor's avatar

It is ultimately about your happiness, the happiness of your family with you in NM and whether or not you would be helping your family in CA if you were there.

baseballnut's avatar

I made a change about 6 months ago based on the “friends and family” equation. It hasn’t been unbearable but I don’t love the climate, new job, the place I live. I also learned that you really can’t go home again, especially to pick up where you left off XXXX years ago. Stay in New Mexico if you love it. Save $$$ and visit your family in CA. Love the salsa at Sadie’s BTW

bright_eyes00's avatar

California is great, dont get me wrong, i lived there my whole life but honestly i wont ever live there again. There is nothing wrong with it, its just not for me. I lived for 19 years in the Fresno CA area and i spent a lot of time in southern california with friends or family in northern california. my favorite places on earth is pismo beach and yosemite. i think california has a certain smell to it, no joke, that everytime i drive home from Arizona (where i’m stationed) i can tell when i get there even if i dont notice the huge sign. its a great place. but not someplace i would ever live again. i will never deny where i’m from though, Californ-i-a is where my heart is!

tinyfaery's avatar

Sorry, but there is no way your heart is in CA. If it was, you’d be here.

bright_eyes00's avatar

@tinyfaery Well let me rephrase. California will always be my “home” but not someplace I can see myself living anymore. Nothing against California. I love the state. Just not for me anymore.

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