General Question

LostInParadise's avatar

Would you want to be a celberity?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) January 30th, 2009

Not me! (not that there is any chance of it) Why would anyone want a bunch of strangers following the intimate details of your life? And how can these people tolerate the complete loss of privacy? I don’t get it. And worst of all would be to take your celebrity seriously and live in mortal fear of losing it.

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54 Answers

Vinifera7's avatar

Hell no. I hate celebrities.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i want to be so famous, i’m INFAMOUS!

mij's avatar

What, you mean I’m not already?
But there again i think of my wee girl Paris, isn’t she such a wonderful role model for all you girls out there? And a movie star to boot…
Can I hear someone laughing?

bythebay's avatar

While it would be delightful to be widely recognized for your work and paid accordingly; I think the accompanying invasion of your life would be far too intrusive to enjoy.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@mij yeah, she’s a movie star. plus, she’s a fan of night vision.

“Stupid spoiled whore” playset anyone?

dynamicduo's avatar

Nope. I value my privacy.

asmonet's avatar

I don’t think I’d mind the intrusion aspect. Keep your mouth shut and the press tends to follow suit, look at Kevin Spacey, Jodi Foster and Beyonce/Jay-Z. They shut up about their personal lives and for the most part are left alone for it.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m pretty happy where I’m at. The loss of privacy involved with being a celebrity would drive me batty!

Emdean1's avatar

I would love to be famous just to see what it was like for a few years, make my money, then disapear!

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m afraid AstroChuck doesn’t understand the question, dah-ling.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

hmm yeah I think I could sacrafice privacy for the hordes of beautiful women that would throw themselves at me.

tb1570's avatar

no. i think most these people, at least the ones who continually seek out attention (even though they will at times whine about it), have serious mental disorders.

asmonet's avatar

@tb1570: That’s a pretty ignorant view of psychology.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@asmonet you’re glib! do you even know what ridalin is?! ;)

asmonet's avatar

No, I know what ritalin is though.

tb1570's avatar

Ignorant of what? it’s well known that attention seekers commonly have psychological dis-orders. are you upset b/c i dis-agreed w/ u?

asmonet's avatar

Yes, that’s entirely the reason.~

Seeking attention is a very mild attribute, calling it a serious disorder is a bit extreme.

tb1570's avatar

boy, you’re picky. that fact that you get so defensive makes me wonder. yes, seeking attention on a normal scale is relatively mild, not to mention quite common, but seeking it on the scale that many celebrities do is a whole diferent thing. so, you don’t think people like britney spears or michael jackson have severe mental dis-orders? are you actually sticking up for the celebrities, ot did i hurt you personally somehow?

asmonet's avatar

Makes you wonder what?
I’m in no position to evaluate the mental health of someone I don’t know, and neither are you. It’s ridiculous conjecture.

tb1570's avatar

surely you must be joking. yes, you are right, we can make no educated guess about the mental health about such celebrities as britney spears or michael jackson or paris hilton, or any of the professional athletes who are clearly attention-seeking, narcissistic psychopaths. all ridiculous conjecture, every bit.

asmonet's avatar

You’re just proving my point.
Do you even know what a psychopath is?

tb1570's avatar

sure, i took psych 101, missy: someone who cannot control their impulses and nor learn from past mistakes and is often antisocial in behaviour.

asmonet's avatar

Psych 101? Impressive.~

tb1570's avatar

but you’re absolutely right, that does not describe any celebrities at all. not a single one.

tb1570's avatar

my point was, little lady, that any jackhole w/ an even fleeting knowledge of psychology can answer a question such as yours.

tb1570's avatar

your defensiveness in regards to the celebrities is what intrigues me the most. so, tell me about your father….

tb1570's avatar

and it’s nice to see you judge someone by their “credentials” rather than the validity of their response.

asmonet's avatar

Right, because I disagree with your generalizations you take it to mean I’m making generalizations as well? I didn’t say at any point that all celebrities are free of mental health issues.

And I’m really not being defensive, I have an opinion. Please learn the difference and in the future if you wish to be taken seriously avoid condescending forms of address like “missy” and “little lady” they sound childish.

In this instance IMO, your credentials affect your response and it’s validity or lack thereof.

tb1570's avatar

i didn’t say all, i said “most,” and i’ll stand by that.
and your trite little response “Psych 101? Impressive.~” was not childish? i crossed the line after you—ladies first.

asmonet's avatar

This is just a waste of time.

tb1570's avatar

and when you call someone “ignorant” and refer to their opinion as “ridiculous,” you come off as a little defensive.

asmonet's avatar

I never called you ignorant.

Emdean1's avatar

lets agree to disagree here. Happy Friday Everyone!

asmonet's avatar

^Works for me.

eponymoushipster's avatar


ok. so, let’s me take off my shirt…i am chisled like Michaelangelo’s David.
seeing that will be good for everyone’s psychology!

tb1570's avatar

p.s. sorry for hi-jacking this thread.

bythebay's avatar

<—-Has a degree in Psychology. And for the record there is a distinct difference in someone who gains attention by virtue of success in their chosen profession or field and someone who seeks it out with an obsessive nature. That said, most people choosing a field in entertainment enjoy the spotlight and are comfortable with attention. That does not mean they are narcissistic psychopaths, nor that they have an attention seeking disorder. I’m quite sure there are as many non-celebrity attention seekers as there are celebrity attention seekers. By choosing a career in entertainment, celebrity’s often have to see & be seen in order to keep themselves on the front burner, thereby furthering their careers. Generalizations are always dangerous.

And @tb1570, labels such as narcissistic and psychopath come with heavy implications; labels such as “missy” and “little lady” are just plain rude.

tb1570's avatar

and calling someone’s opinion/statements “ignorant” & “ridiculous”, and tryin to belittle someone is not rude?
and u are absolutely correct, but are you trying to say that you don’t think many celebrities seek out attention? i mean, this thread was started in reference to celebrities, was it not?

and maybe i should go back and edit all my responses to make myself look better…

onesecondregrets's avatar

I’ve always said I’d rather take riches over fame any day. I would hate my life if I were a celebrity.

tb1570's avatar

onesecondregrets, thanks for getting back on topic. this whole thing has become a little silly and gotten way off topic, and i have become a part of the problem, not the solution. from here on out, i will stick to topic.

bythebay's avatar

If you read my response again, I did indeed say that many celebrities seek out attention, for many reasons. When @Lostinparadise asked the question in the first place, mention was made to the loss of privacy. I imagine if anyone chose a career in the public eye; they would hope to be in the public eye.

tb1570's avatar

precisely my point! if someone just loved the craft of acting or singing or whatever, then perhaps they’d just stick w/ local community theatre, but hollywood celebrities do not; they consciously choose that lifestyle, then have the gall to complain about it at times!
boy, it sure is hard to communicate your thoughts accurately sometimes w/out raising the ire of others!

asmonet's avatar

Right you have a dream of owning your own restaurant, but instead you settle for flipping burgers at McDonalds. That’s kind of what you’re saying.

Different career paths have different goals. That’s just a fact.

bythebay's avatar

As mentioned above though, if I were to become famous by virtue of my craft – it doesn’t necessarily mean I want paparazzi following me to the grocery store or some photog catching me correcting a wayward wedgie. It’s the star gazers insatiable need for more private info & pics that drive these quasi-journalists to the the ridiculous.

tb1570's avatar

asmonet, i personally don’t think your analogy quite fits. if my dream was to become the best actor i could be, then i could achieve this dream through local theatre. my point is, people who choose to become a hollywood celebrity often have other dreams, like “i want to be on the big screen, i want everyone to look at me, i want eveyone to love me!”
and yes, bythebay, the people who buy the celeb mags and watch the hollywood celeb lifestyle shows definitely feed in to the whole sick circle. neither group could survive w/out the other, but both groups complain about the other!

tb1570's avatar

so, i guess this is a very long, drawn-out, round-about way of saying no, i would not want to be a celebrity. i don’t care so much about money or fame. so there it is, my simple answer. jiminy.

LostInParadise's avatar

@tb1570 I don’t think that Hollywood actors are all out for fame. To be an actor at any level has to involve wanting to please audiences, but the vast majority of actors do not attain great success. There has to be something else that motivates them. To me being an actor is an awful job, with work sporadic and uncertain and constantly being told what to do by directors and producers.

tb1570's avatar

LostInParadise: “the vast majority of actors do not attain great success.” good point. however, that does not mean that that is not what they seek or dream of…

gailcalled's avatar

What are folks who are argumentative, bellicose, hostile and needing to get the last word labeled as?

aprilsimnel's avatar

“Celebrity” used to mean that a person was being celebrated for something extraordinary that they did. Today, with 24-hour news channels, 500 TV stations, print publications trying to stay solvent and the likes of Gawker Stalker, the definition of celebrity has changed. There are few people who are heralded for their actual work.

If celebrity means being a Meryl Streep and not a Lindsay Lohan, then yes, I’d be one. Being a good actor is hard work. It’s a calling. I don’t think Meryl Streep is an attention whore. She is rightly celebrated for her fantastic acting. Then she goes home to her family and stays out of the public eye.

gailcalled's avatar

Meryl Streep lives near me, on a very private, very large property with its own lake. She rarely appears in public; once a local guy (without permission) snapped her picture with her kids. I believe that she belted him with a large piece of organic broccoli. It’s that kind of community.

mij's avatar

OK so Paris as a celeb may be questionable, and she may be acting the dumb bimbo!
But I seem to recall her earnings were millions of $US last year, about five million.
Ah so thats it I’m just not dumb enough…
I think I still like the girl though…

cutipi108's avatar

Yes: Becuase I’d like screaming fans scream my name!
No: Because there’s NO privicy

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