General Question

jonsblond's avatar

Do you get brain farts too?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) January 30th, 2009 from iPhone

It happens to me all the time. I’ll forget how to spell a simple word or I’ll completely forget the point of what I was trying to say. I remember numbers, dates and faces well, but names I am terrible with!

How is your memory? Are you one of those people that can recite word for word your favorite movie? Or do you find yourself googling everything?

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34 Answers

cak's avatar

It is far easier to ask, “When don’t you get brain farts?”

Bri_L's avatar

I have persistent cranial gas. It is just part of my make up.

Grisson's avatar

I call that a ‘senior moment’.

A brain fart is like when I am running on a treadmill and I’m watching the overhead TV, and I get intersted in the TV, and forget that I’m on a treadmill, so I slow down… and fall over.
That’s a brain fart!

marinelife's avatar

On a regular and inconvenient basis. It worsens with age.

elijah's avatar

Yeah it happens to me all the time, sometimes I will type the simplest word but it looks like I spelled wrong. I will go into a different room of the house to do or get something, then I can’t remember what I went there for.

Jeruba's avatar

Na. I nevre fegrt who to xpel aynyxng.

cak's avatar

I no eggsactly what you meen, Jeruba!

wundayatta's avatar

The meds I’m on; it’s a wonder I can put a sentence together. Once every other paragraph, I’m left struggling for words. If I’m talking to someone, I can describe what I’m looking for, and they’ll usually come up with it, but if I’m alone, I can’t go on until I figure out the word I’m looking for. That could take ten or fifteen minutes, as I will not accept substitutes.

Also, it’s getting harder for me to understand academic discussions. Now you might think that’s a good thing (I mean, do you really want to discuss the ontological discourse of Japanese tongue-wasps?), but, since it’s my livelihood, I’m a bit worried. My mind used to be able to cut to the heart of any presentation with the precision of a…. sickle? scythe? one of those really sharp knives that you use in art… exacto knife…, and now I’m lucky if I can piece together half of what they say.

Damn! If I were old enough to retire, maybe it wouldn’t matter. I could stop thinking and start being.

Judi's avatar

@jonsblond, That’s why I recently went from blonde (like my avtar) to brunette.

Siren's avatar

Yes, I find I have a 30 second memory nowadays with names, numbers and dates especially. If it isn’t written down, I won’t remember it

I’m hoping it’s due to being overloaded with data on a daily basis and not having the memory storage to retain it, but it may just be the onset of senior moments as Grisson described above.

jonsblond's avatar

@Judi Blondes git no rispeckt sumtimze, due we! ;)

cak's avatar

@judi – welcome to the club! We brunettes welcome you!

jonsblond – we accept you, as well!

jonsblond's avatar

@cak “You like me, you really like me” ;)

loser's avatar

Oh, hell yeah! All the time. What was the question?

mea05key's avatar

@ loser

that is hilarious. nice one.

bythebay's avatar

…and I thought it was just me! I feel so not alone now. I’ve gotten really bad with names lately and have started to revert to some association techniques I learned years ago. Pretty soon I’ll be writing on my palm to remind myslef of things. ;P

mea05key's avatar

im already starting to write using my air pen

scamp's avatar

yes! I had such a bad one at work yesterday I labeled myself “a retard with alzheimer’s”!!

the not so funny thing is that no one disagreed with me!

mangeons's avatar

YES. I had a question the other morning, and forgot it by the time I got home. Then I remembered it this afternoon, and forgot it again. But I just remembered again, so I’m gonna go ask before I forget again.

jonsblond's avatar

@loser Do you get brain farts too?

SoapChef's avatar

OMG, when don’t I? It is very frustrating. I have always considered myself a great speller. I find myself looking up words constantly. I seem to have become dyslexic in my spelling skills.
@mea05key. I love the air pen.

jonsblond's avatar

@SoapChef It makes me feel not so smart when I need to ask my sons how to spell something.

I also need to rely on landmarks when giving directions because I can’t remember the street name.

@mea05key Happy 1000!

mangeons's avatar

And I bet my mom and dad felt stupid when Maddie and I surpassed them in math and reading in the third grade. We never really had the joy of them helping us with our homework… they’re hopelessly confused when it comes to algebra, geometry, etc. It makes me feel smart though. :D

mangeons's avatar

What is an air pen? I feel stupid just asking that. D:

jonsblond's avatar

@mangeons Don’t feel bad, I just figured out what an air pen is myself. A definite blonde, er brain fart.

augustlan's avatar

Um…wait. What? Oh yeah! I do.

Jeruba's avatar

So will somebody please explain, dammit?

jonsblond's avatar

I just figured it out, so hopefully I will explain it right. An air pen is when you hold your hand up pretending to write something, visualizing what you are trying to spell.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh. I guess I was expecting something more complicated. Thanks, @JB. I like to use a real pen for that purpose.

mangeons's avatar

Yeah, I thought it was some cool piece of technology. That I didn’t understand. Phew!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I deal with names, truck numbers, trailer numbers, dock destinations and other things continually at work, and if I couldn’t write them down, I’d be screwed and not in the good way. My worst brain farts are when I am trying to think of a word to describe something and it just flitters away. I keep the One Look Dictionary tab at the top of my browser for that purpose, but when I am not at my computer, I get pissed when I can’t think of the word. Now I know why my Mother In Law used to say, when describing where to find something: “It’s on that thing near the thing with the thing that looks like a green thing.”

mamabeverley's avatar

I thought it was menopause! Nice to see I am not going insane! What is really bad for me is when my words come out in reverse order when I am speaking. Thankfully, all of my friends know me well enough to figure out what I am saying. My hubby still makes fun though. I tried to tell him, I can see the words as if they were in a fog in my brain, and sometimes they just get pulled in the wrong order! He didn’t get it.

spinnicky's avatar

Of course!!
Some days I forget how to spell my own name!
Once, when I was a little kid, my brother was writing an essay and asked me how you spell ‘Am’.
His brain had undoubtedly conceived some intense diahrrea, but I still make fun of him for it to this day.

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