Lesbian women,does one hit back?
Asked by
oasis (
January 31st, 2009
Ok, we have a dilemma here,the Lesbian Woman who is indeed very Butch,she wears mens clothes and acts like a man for all intents and purposes.
Whilst out for a meal you get into an argument with the said Woman.
Now being a man of integrity and breeding,you would never raise a hand in anger to a Woman,however this (Woman)strikes you in the face and causes intense pain!She the follows up with a size 8 to the ball bag area.The dilemma is do you ditch your standards and give this big bad Lesbian the kicking of her life?
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52 Answers
Yes. Gender doesn’t matter. If they hit you, they deserve to be hit. A vagina doesn’t absolve you of personal responsibility and give you a free pass to be reckless.
No. Not because she’s a woman, but because hitting back is a generally bad idea.
Calling the police and getting her arrested for assault and battery is probably a better idea, but can be somewhat complicated if you’ve also done some hitting.
My God, Oasis…are you saying she hit YOU???
No!@jb,this is hypo!Do not worry,my tackle is in tact.It’s a moral dilemma.
If there is one thing a Squirrel hates it’s bruised nuts!
@oasis LOL…this is so true. Need I elaborate???
No, i think eloboration on a family site before the watershed is not warranted.
@oasis true…that’s what they make email for.
What are you trying to say Fffffllllleeetcher?lol
please tell me that didn’t occur right after the headache issue of the other thread LOOOOL
And by the way, if it wants to be a man, treat it like one!
LOOOOLLLLLLfuck thats funny dude!
I know I’ll be flamed for the IT throughout the day ;)
I kinda gotta agree w/ both poofandmook and Grisson here. No one gets a free pass to behave like an imbecile, XY or XX. Everyone should be held accountable for their own actions (physical, emotional & verbal), but, at the same time, I’m a believer that violence is not the answer, unless under extreme cases of self defense. I think it was Chris Rock (wise sage that he is) who said “No one is above an ass beating! But you just don’t do it! You might feel like kicking an old man down a flight of stairs, but you just don’t do it!”
@oasis : I like your way of thinking, levity combined with interesting questions. Why all this weekend, you work all week? How about sprinkling them into the week also?
Just when Fluther was kinda getting to be a drag, lurve you….
By the way, kick his ass. She wants to be the man, let er be the man. Kick her in the nuts first, then punch him.
Cheers Mister Pek,i would be more active but the Mods jump on me and threaten to ban me so i have to mod myself.
I do work away from PC all week so i draw on a weeks inspiration and throw it on the Fluther table.
Prejudice. violence, and sexism all in one place. Wow! I only have myself to blame. I knew when I saw that the asker was oasis I’d be in for this.
Oh c’mon, let a man vent a bit every now and then. There is such a thing as too politically correct.
It is a bonafida question,and your prejudice towards me has also been noted.
Peace n Love
Yeah. Violence is funny.~
And fuck political correctness, I’m talking humanity.
I’m not prejudice, I just do not like you.
that falls in the “open hostility” category then, I’d guess?
Furthermore this is not a popularity contest,i post a top quality question addressing the abhorrent practice of Man beating Woman,the only scenario that i would question my moral values is the above,i throw the issue out because it is a very taboo subject,you come straight on and drive a Greyhound bus straight through this serious debate.I have taken a deep breath counted to 16 and i have now forgiven your intrusion.Peace and Love
If saying I don’t like someone is hostile, then so be it.
it’s not the fact but the manner of presentation
No criticism, just observation
I have just spoken with my wife regarding your apparent dislike for me,i can tell you now little lady,she is not a happy bunny!
Now leave me and my questions alone before i dispatch her to your hood.
wow, now I’m outta here….
I’d give her a cookie.
Oh, we weren’t discussing a real beating?
@asmonet,peace n love to you asmonet,you make being here a brighter place.xxx
Now a threat. You are truly a wonderful person.~
What is it with you?Iguess you got some sort of inferiority complex.
Why would i threaten you?You are an insignificant little blip on my computer,go away with a flea in your ear!
Glad you understand.Now stop trying to spoil a good time,take your very own Bitterness elsewhere as it belongs to only you.lol@ya
tinyfaery you almost made a good point but ruined it with the childish behaviour (imo).
Oasis, I’ve often thought about this but just have a few questions, perhaps along tinyfaery’s lines… why is the women necessarily a lesbian in the scenario? I’ve met a few ‘butch’ women who could kick my ass and definitely weren’t lesbian. Does it make a difference?
tb1570 mentioned a scenario with an old man. It made me think, if an old man was in the “butch woman’s” place would you hit back? What if it was a Really big 13 year old?
In my, bad, experience, I only fight back when I know its a fair ‘fight’. ie. I wouldn’t hit a woman like I wouldn’t hit a kid or an older person. (The result being I only square up to someone who can probably kick my ass…lol… perhaps I need to rethink my philosophy all together)
Then again I guess your original question notes that she probably can hold her own…
Hmmm… my final solution: walk away and let my girlfriend deal with her. Trust me, the woman would be worse off and wouldn’t know what hit her!
The question i post is the only situation where i personally would consider striking a woman,if she was a girl next door then i would never contemplate it.The scenario states that the Lesbo is well up for it and is a Woman in her brazier only.
…..hmmmm….. so if a butch Straight women smacks half your teeth out, you don’t consider hitting back because she’s not a lesbian?
This is not my view,just a question posed to the community.
Assumptions always come back to haunt one.
It is your view. You said ‘the question i post is the only situation where i personally would consider striking a woman’.
FURTHERMORE,not once on this thread have i said i WOULD hit a Lesbo,what i have said is it is the only situation i would CONTEMPLATE it.Research please
I didn’t say you would. I said if the women was butch and straight, wouldn’t you consider it then? Was just interested why the situation outlined in your post was ‘the only situation’ where you would personally consider it. I did research. you misunderstood. I’m sorry this is turning into an argument. I am genuinely interested in this topic.
In my lifes experience i do not see big butch straight women wearing mens clothes fighting with men.
I have seen the opposite and athough not involved i did agree with the beating she got.
Ok. Fair enough. I my life experience I have met them. I play a lot of rugby and I have a lot of female friends who also play and can be considered pretty butch. Granted they don’t wear mens clothes but they are straight and can and do fight with guys.
It just so happened that we played a ‘friendly’ mixed game. It was meant to be pretty chilled so that no one got hurt. A slightly more aggressive version of touch rugby shall we say. For some reason it got a little heated and one of the girls squared up to a guy and smacked him. We jumped in before he had a chance to react but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have hit back.
It was the first time I really thought about this question. I’m still pretty sure I would never hit a woman – regardless of size or sexual preference.
What do you think you might’ve done faced with that situation? Do you think you may have considered hitting back?
I have a kind of funny story along these lines.
My mother was/is definitely an equal rights kind of lady, so I grew up in a household where it was taught that men and women/boys and girls should be treated equally & fairly. So, one day when a bunch of us neighborhood kids were out playing, I must’ve been about 10, I got into an argument with one of the neighborhood girls. She said something totally lippy that I would’ve scraped (at the time—remember, I was a kid. I haven’t been in a fight since I was about 16) over with with any other boy. So, w/ my 10 yr-old intellect I reached back and dotted her. I remember all my friends, males & females, reacting w/ surprise and shock, even the the girls who were all about women’s rights (though there were more than a few mutterances along the lines of “she had it coming.”) On that day I learned a valuable lesson between theory & practice.
As I said, now I would not hit anyone unless it was for self-protection or protection of a loved one, and even then I would try to avoid it at all costs. But at that time, I remember being totally shocked b/c I actually thought I was doing the right thing by treating a girl as an equal. It’s funny the way a child’s brain works sometimes—viewing everything so simply and in black and white…
If the individual plays a sport like touch rugby with me and swings at me all bets are off ;)
I am a strong proponent of “real” equality :)
dik,there is nothing to stop this guy getting his own back by giving this bull one hell of a tackle later in the game and claim to be a little over zealous.
Furthermore Rugby is a mans game and if ladies want to play the men then the same rules should apply or it’s not a true reflection of the purpose of the game.
P.S i used to play Rugby League.
Rugby is a game. Not exclusive to men.
Good man, League is where its at! Where did you play? I played league in uni… Haven’t played much since I left.
I agree, but again, you play by the same rules but you have to respect different builds and strengths. My little cousin plays rugby. If we are having a little sevens game on the weekend I don’t put my shoulder into his ribs. Similarly, if he gets riled about something (as you do sometimes in the heat of sport) and lashes out, I don’t whack him back just because its a ‘man’s’ game.
@both of you… I’m relatively new here but do you have a long standing dispute in general? If so I’m sorry to here it, I don’t really want to get involved so I’ll bow out of this one now.
@dik2312 :“My little cousin plays rugby. If we are having a little sevens game on the weekend I don’t put my shoulder into his ribs. Similarly, if he gets riled about something (as you do sometimes in the heat of sport) and lashes out, I don’t whack him back just because its a ‘man’s’ game.” —exactly.
”@both of you… I’m relatively new here but do you have a long standing dispute in general? If so I’m sorry to here it, I don’t really want to get involved so I’ll bow out of this one now.”—you are a very wise and observant fella!
@dik2312,i played in the Yorkshire,and still turn out now and then,though the recovery rate is not there anymore.
Regards the history thing,i do not have a problem with the person concerned,i think the problem has manifested itself in this persons mind and is now taking over this persons being.
Shame really.Still there’s“nowt so funny as folk”
Oh, please.
<<rolls eyes>>
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