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Siren's avatar

Has religion become the new four-letter word?

Asked by Siren (3422points) January 31st, 2009

Why is it, that especially on this site, people get uptight when a topic surrounding religion is posted? It seems to be a four-letter word. Sometimes the questions (ones I have posted myself) are asking the opinions of others within a certain religion, yet people jump on board to answer and defend their non-beliefs. I just don’t understand it.

Has religion become a four-letter word? Is it terrible to discuss the fact that you have and follow a religion? Does it upset others who do not? I am very comfortable following my own religion and don’t try to convince others to do the same, however, it seems some people consider it a direct attack on themselves…and I just don’t get it. I respect the fact that there are believers, atheists and agnostics out there, and have thought they would similarly respect each other…but it is proving wrong on this particular site.

Just chalk it up to religion, politics and race being touchy subjects, or that some people need to tolerate one another better?

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