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How do you feel about dating a bald man?

Asked by girlofscience (7577points) February 1st, 2009

In reality, the majority of us judge potential dating partners at least somewhat by their appearances. We like our partners to be attractive to us both inside and out. If you’re like most of us, and you care, at least to some extent, about the appearance of your partner, then I ask: How do you feel about dating a bald man?

I’ve never been in the situation because I’m relatively young, and most of the guys I could be potentially interested in haven’t been bald. But, I honestly don’t know if it would impact my decision to date someone or not.

What about you? Does a bald or balding man decrease his attractiveness at all? Can bald be sexy? Are you less likely to be interested in someone if he is bald or balding? If you are young and dating someone, do you try to figure out if he will be bald in the future (based on familial patterns)? If so, does this impact how you feel about a future with him?

Bald guys: Are you comfortable with your baldness? When you started balding, did you feel bad about it or still think you were cute as ever? Did you find that dating patterns changed? How did you feel women responded to your baldness?

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