sorry, wish I knew of a reliable source.
I make opinions based on observations and news, I trust them more than govt figures.
People that need help through no fault of their own and that are unable to work, help them out until they can go to work. YES, I support that 100%
If one was to go into New Orleans and poll the population to find out the percentage of welfare recipients vs working or retired people and then take that welfare percentage and see how many are capable of working at some job, what do you suppose the figures would show?
If you were to do the same thing in any large city, do you believe that 98% of the help goes to people who really need it or does it go to people who are on welfare because they can make more money that way than working?
A quote in above post refers to a 98% success rate for getting benefits to “needy” people. That’s fine and may be true, are they needy from an accident or from some disaster beyond their control or are they needy because they do not want to work? They are all needy, it’s just that I think there are way too many on welfare rolls that should not be there. I don’t know what percentage, doubt that anyone does.
How many single mothers do you know of that had their child out of wedlock and didn’t have a job so welfare programs would foot the bill? Doesn’t that go to needy vs needy?
How many people do you know of that are on SS disability that genuinely cannot work?
This if from, a good place to start looking into some real statistics.
“While it is widely accepted that welfare is biased against marriage, relatively few understand how this bias operates. Many erroneously believe that welfare programs have eligibility criteria that directly exclude married couples. This is not true. Nevertheless, welfare programs do penalize marriage and reward single parenthood because of the inherent design of all means-tested programs. In a means-tested program, the benefits are reduced as non-welfare income rises. Thus, under any means-tested system, a mother will receive greater benefits if she remains single than if she is married to a working husband. Welfare not only serves as a substitute for a husband, but also actually penalizes marriage because a low-income couple will experience a significant drop in combined income if they marry. For example, the typical single mother on TANF receives a combined welfare package of various means-tested aid benefits worth about $14,000 per year. Suppose this typical single mother receives welfare benefits worth $14,000 per year while the father of her children has a low-wage job paying $15,000 per year. If the mother and father remain unmarried, they will have a combined income of $29,000 ($14,000 from welfare and $15,000 from earnings). However, if the couple marries, the father’s earnings will be counted against the mother’s welfare eligibility. Welfare benefits will be eliminated or cut dramatically, and the couple’s combined income will fall substantially. Thus, means-tested welfare programs do not penalize marriage per se, but instead implicitly penalize marriage to an employed man with earnings. Nonetheless, the practical effect is to significantly discourage marriage among low-income couples. This anti-marriage discrimination is inherent in all means-tested aid programs, including TANF, food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, and the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) food program.”
I know that there are other programs that waste more money but this area was where the discussion turned to.
My original question was simply, “Does it bother anyone else that food stamps can be used for buying expensive prepared foods?” Kinda got hijacked over to this.
Anyone who has had anything to do with government bosses knows that a primary objective of that office or branch is to present evidence that it is needed, therefore gets funded. A lot of them make work for themselves so they can “look” busy.
A good read is here Closing unneeded and obsolete agencies I looked for a newer scandal sheet but could not find one.
More reading here, it’ll make you shake you’re head. More waste and Cato.Org
And more reading
Do a google search for welfare fraud or welfare abuse or obsolete government programs.
When you are looking for statistics, don’t depend on one source, check out a few then draw your conclusion.