General Question

ubckfc's avatar

Do fish have vocal chords?

Asked by ubckfc (11points) February 2nd, 2009

just wondering as I look at my fish…in the tank…and talk to her, can she feel my vocal vibrations?

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6 Answers

syz's avatar

You’re asking two completely separate questions. Fish do not have vocal chords, although they often use sound for communication. They can, however, “hear”. They have lateral lines that pick up vibration, pressure changes, electrical impulses and other cues to their environment.

Grisson's avatar

Does this include mermaids? As I recall Ariel had quite a set of pipes.

Fish can definitely sense vibrations. Ask any fisherman what happens to the fish when someone comes stomping along the banks.

ubckfc's avatar

Thank you. That makes sense. I wanted scientific confirmation that I wasn’t crazy for talking to my fish even though she cannot answer me, except to open and close her mouth and swim at the front of the tank as though she appreciates my attention.

TaoSan's avatar

Actually, old, well treated Kois are known to recognize the voice of their owner/caretaker. You can call them and they’ll come.

ubckfc's avatar

That is fantastic! I had a box turtle once who would bang on the glass door to come inside. His name was the Saint because I rescued him from falling off the sidewalk into the street in front of a church in Athens, Greece. I was hoping my fish, named Yoshimi (from the popular song), would come over and ‘talk’ to me every day. I wait for her to come over and then I feed her. But I expected that it was more of a learned response of coming over to get food. But then she did it more often, even when she wasn’t hungry, so the questions started to come and I googled it and here I am!

loser's avatar

Yes, so they can sing Handel’s Water Music!

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