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jonsblond's avatar

Will you attend your high school reunion?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) February 2nd, 2009 from iPhone

So I have the 20yr. coming up this summer. I probably won’t go. I only attended the school my junior/senior years, so I really didn’t have that connection of growing up together with everyone. I attended my 10yr and it was very disappointing. The one friend I really wanted to see wasn’t there. The rest were still pretty snobby, just as they were in high school. I really felt out of place.

Do you plan on attending your reunion?
Have you attended one already?
If so, any stories you would like to tell?

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31 Answers

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I have attended the last two. We have them every 5 years. . In fact, I was on the planning committee for the last one. I had a great time at both of them. Some still looked great. Some looked they’d been hit by a bus!

blondie411's avatar

The high school I graduated from I too only attended my Junior and Senior year, my parents moved from the place I grew up the summer before my Junior year. So I feel no affiliation to the school I technically graduated from. Then again this May will only be 6 years since I am gone, but I still think in another 4 I will feel the same. I feel no connection whatsoever to the place where my parents moved to as I have moved back to where I grew up before.

I don’t understand reunions really since you stay in touch with the people you want to. anyway and the people you don’t why force it. It has become so easy to get people together from classes because of facebook. Insane!

Sakata's avatar

I skipped my 10 but I did see pictures of the event later.
Yea, I looked better than most of ‘em so I guess I should have went.
But I hate those people.
I may go to my 20 though.

Darwin's avatar

No. What for? Only about 3 or 4 people liked me there anyway, and it was one of three high schools I attended. The other two have never sent out any notices about reunions, which is too bad as one of them I might be interested in attending.

jonsblond's avatar

@jbfletcherfan I’m so glad you have had a good experience! :)

@blondie411 I agree with you. I do kind of wish I could go to the reunion at the high school I would have graduated from, had I not moved. My best friend still lives there though and just sends me the pictures.

MrItty's avatar

Nope. My fifth wasn’t announced. My 10th was, via I decided, after looking at the names of those who responded in the affirmative, that I really didn’t like any of those people 10 years ago, and saw no reason to spend time and money to see them 10 years later.

blondie411's avatar

@jonsblond My boyfriend that I am dating now we met at the first high school when I was 15 and he 17, we dated that whole year and then separated because he was going off to college and I was moving. We stayed in contact and eventually after I graduated college and moved back we started dating again. We’ve been together again for almost 2 years and know we were meant to be together. So it is safe to say if we do go to a reunion i’ll be going to my original high school really his high since I didn’t graduate from there and he did that is if we decide to go to a reunion.

aprilsimnel's avatar

My 20th passed and I didn’t go for the same reason: I didn’t really know anyone in my class because I was only there the last two years of high school.

jonsblond's avatar

@blondie411 My best bud since first grade could probably bring me as a guest, but it’s thousands of miles away. Even if I did go, I would probably just hang with her and skip the event. :)

@aprilsimnel Looks like we have a new girl in school club we can start. :)

Mr_M's avatar

I didn’t like the kids THEN, so why the heck would I want to see them NOW?

Vinifera7's avatar

Why? So that I can recall unpleasant memories about people that I don’t like?

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Our class had cliques, as every class does. At the reunions, they team up again. But at the last one, one girl said, ‘oh, I always liked you so much. You were so funny in school. I felt like saying…‘you did? Then why didn’t you treat me like a friend back then?’

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve never been to a reunion of any kind. Even if I’d had the money or the time, I wouldn’t have gone, because I’d be ashamed of my life. Now that I look more like a normal person (that’s a relative term, of course), I think it’s a habit I’d have a hard time breaking.

It’s my theory that only successful people go to reunions. They have something to crow about, since these things are all about one-upping each other—or so it seems from movies.

cak's avatar

I’m going to mine, this summer. We’re bringing the kids – someone will be watching them during the activities – I still have friends and family in the area. It’s going to be a full on vacation, after the reunion.

I didn’t go to the 5th – too soon after HS – didn’t see any reason and the 10th, my daughter was really sick, so I missed it, as well.

KrystaElyse's avatar

No way. I graduated with over 900 students, so I barely had a chance to really get to know many of them. I only have maybe two good friends from high school that I still on a somewhat regular basis keep in contact with…all the others felt almost like aquaintances.

Judi's avatar

30 this year, but sadly, I don’t know anyone. High School was awful!

90s_kid's avatar

Saying that my first year isn’t going well, no.

cwilbur's avatar

I didn’t go to my 10th because all of the people I wanted to see were on the “We have lost track of these people. Do you know where they are?” list.

I’m planning on skipping my 20th.

On the other hand, I make it to at least one of my two college & fraternity reunions each year.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@90s_kid Hang in there. You have a long ways to go. Hopefully it’ll get better. :-)

Sakata's avatar

@90s_kid Bookmark this page so you can come back and post on it in 13 years.

Allie's avatar

When it rolls around, I’ll probably go.

Grisson's avatar

I’ve never been to one. This year I decided I would go. Found a bunch of classmates on Facebook as a result. By the time it rolls around I might actually remember who they were!

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

@Grisson, I reconnected with the people I really want to stay in touch with through facebook as well, and hunted down a few and asked them to get on FB. It’s handy that way.

gooch's avatar

Yes I made my 20 year a few years ago and my wife and I had a blast. I will make the next one also.

tehrani625's avatar

If I can get through collage and do well in the real world then yes I am going to my High school reunion. If my school is still around. Otherwise I am just going to keep in touch with the group of friends that I have now. I am a junior and have just realized that I don’t like the school I am at.

srmorgan's avatar


I went to my class’s 17th reunion (for some reason there weren’t any before then and had a good time).
I went to the 20th. It was right at our school, you walked into the cafeteria and got on line to get your credentials. I ran into some people I liked, I was on the periphery of most of the action, just like 20 years before and for about a half hour I felt like I was 18 again.

I missed the 25th and 35th because I lived too far away and couldn’t spare the time.

I really wanted to go to my 40th in June 2007, wait until you are 58 years old and want to see how everyone’s life turned out, but the reunion was on the same exact day at the same exact time that my son was graduating from high school, only 660 miles away, so that was a no-go. I received a bunch of pictures from some friends who went and who said the social dynamics were just like high school. Your friends then were who you hung with at the reunion.
I am sorry that I missed it and making the 50th is a different proposition.

In 1986 I ended up at a job with a man who graduated the same year I did and we had totally different perspectives about our high school years: I enjoyed high school, it was not without problems, I was socially inept until I got to college but I participated in one sport, did one club and a squad and met a lot of people. This high school had over 3000 students and my class was 950.

On the other hand, my coworker H.L. had a miserable time in high school, during the very same years I was there. Funny how things work out.


tiffyandthewall's avatar

i plan to. i’m not really close with a lot of people at my school currently, but i think it would be really interesting to see how these people – who i spend more time with than even most of my family – turn out when they get older.

srmorgan's avatar

it’s going to be full of surprises…......just wait.

BBSDTfamily's avatar

Only if I haven’t gained more than 10 lbs. :)

Zen's avatar

I would.

meadowmuffinbluez's avatar

My 25th is coming up this fall. The organising committee consists of all the people who bullied everyone in high school. I have no interest in returning to that environment. Now they are whining that they only have 25 confirmed out of 400 people and the reunion will be cancelled. I’d like to say it bothers me but sadly it doesn’t . Less grief all the way around.

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