General Question

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Could you be hypnotised to be immune to hypnosis?

Asked by NaturalMineralWater (11316points) February 3rd, 2009

If so.. wow.. that would suck… if they messed up you could never be fixed.. !!

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9 Answers

Kiev749's avatar

that’s redundant. Sometimes if your in a group on stage, some people can’t be hypnotized. It just doesn’t work on everyone.
Its merely psychological. it can be fixed.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Hypnosis for hypnosis immunity. That’s kind of like a Zen riddle or something right?

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Personally I don’t think any amount of watch swinging or smooth talking could get me into a hypnotic state to begin with.

dynamicduo's avatar

No. Just no.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@dynamicduo well i guess you should have just put no then. =D

dynamicduo's avatar

Heh, that smiley face version looks a bit like a penis. I’m often amazed at how many different digital emoticons we make up. Ever see the ones they use in Japan? Crazy!

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

@dynamicduo it IS crazy.. in fact, that particular little smiley has gotten many responses.. some say “what is equals D?.. what equals D?” .. some say “that smiley face version looks a bit like a penis”.. some say “hey that’s a smiley.. it means that the typing that was done was whimsical in nature”.. and still others say ” ”

Jayne's avatar

Well, since hypnosis seems to depend on the ability of the subject to convince themselves that a change has taken place in their mind, this hypnosis would have to convince them that hypnosis does not invoke a change. As the hypnosis, as usual, would do nothing unless the subject is aware of it, and if they are aware of it, then they will be aware of any change and thus will not be convinced that changes don’t take place, I have to say that, no, this is not possible. This all rests on my interpretation of hypnosis, however, with which some may disagree.

Hypno's avatar

For someone who is self-convinced, they don’t need any help from anyone. That would make them pretty immune to hypnosis. Can someone really go through the whole of their lives in that state without needing some help or advice? I doubt it.

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