Blaming the victim? Interesting. Well, when I’m sick, and I want to be homeless and lie in a gutter… yeah, I do blame myself for all my ills. I’m like you, too, in that I don’t believe the excuses that psychiatry gives me. They say it’s an imbalance of chemicals in my brain, but I know that it’s all my own fault, and I could get out of it at any second, if I only decided to do so.
Of course, they give me the drugs. I take them. And boy, I feel a hell of a lot better, and I no longer blame myself, and I no longer want to be in the worst place possible, knowing that that’s still not punishment enough for the absolute shit of a person that I am.
So, yeah. I’m guilty of everything you say, and more. And by the way, maybe around a third to a half of the homeless are bipolar. Every bipolar person I’ve ever met (and I’ve met a lot of them, including one who was formerly homeless) feels pretty much the same way, judging by the amens they give when I tell my story.
But that’s my experience. I blame myself for being the victim, and of course, that just makes things worse, and that spiral easily ends in suicide. Either the fast kind, or the long, drawn-out kind. My mantra, when I’m sick, is “I suck.” I struggle so many times each day to not go there.
Your story of massive stress from homelessness? When I’m depressed, it’s like a beacon of light for me. Or maybe anti-light. I deserve to eat food out of dumpsters. I deserve to sleep in a box, shivering in the cold. I deserve every bit of despiction people hurl at me. I deserve the kicks and the rapes and more.
People tell me I don’t, but I know better, although I don’t tell people all that often. Be careful of what you wish for, you might get it.