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Help me pick a book for my english project!
John Steinbeck – East of Eden, TheGrapes of Wrath, Travels with Charlie, The Winter of our Discontent, The Sea of Cortez (not the shorter novels or short stories)
Ernest Hemingway – For Whom the Bell Tolls, Death in the Afternoon, A Farewell to Arms, The Sun Also Rises (not The Old Man and the Sea) or the short stories.
William Faulkner – As I Lay Dying, The Reivers, TheSound and the Fury, Absolom, Absolom, Light in August, Go Down Moses, Sanctuary.
Willa Cather – Death Comes for the Archbishop, My Antonia
I’m looking for a book with a lot of interesting to analyze (at a high school/freshman in college level), not necessarily the longest, shortest, or easiest to read.
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