I tend to disagree here. Essentially, we are putting forth an economic stimulus meant to stimulate the US economy. We expect that if we stimulate the US economy to its maximum extent, in a global economy, everyone will eventually benefit, but the role of internal stimulus by the US or any nation is to stimulate their OWN economy, not the global economy…one is direct and one is indirect. Essentially, I feel Obama is buying in to the lie of the free traders who say this will cause a trade war.
Think about that for a second. You’re telling me that other countries who already import the vast majority of the good we have available to buy in America are going to stop taking our money in exchange for goods, because in an effort to stimulate our OWN economy, we stated that we wanted to use American goods and American workers to build American roads and American schools? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? It’s a complete sham, a lie dreamed up by the free traders, a scare tactic, which has unfortunately worked, and it’s a HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE.
Why? Because not only does is MASSIVELY dilute the impact of the stimulus directly on our own economy, but it pisses off all the millions of American laborers who got off their asses and gave money and lip service and time, and went door to door, and made phone calls and had house parties and everything else so Obama could get elected, and you mark my words, this is like spitting in their faces. Come the mid term elections, these people are going to say, fuck him…he couldn’t even a buy American clause in the stimulus package.
You can call it protectionism if you want, but think about it, not that long ago, America was a manufacturing economy and by NOT standing up for the rights of American workers, and NOT insisting on some level of American made products in our government spending, we’ve decimated labor, these people are hurting and Obama told them he was their friend. As much as I love Obama, I think he’s being a fucking pussy and not spending any of his political capital…he could be ramming a package TWICE this size down the throats of the obstructionist Republicans at this point and most of America would go for it, and though I like trying to strike and keep a bi-partisan tone, damn it, this is just too important.
My message to Obama, as they say in Texas, dance with the ones that brung ya. Spend the money on public works projects that have been underfunded since Reagan took office, spend it in the US, revitalize our economy, our workforce, our prosperity, and the world will follow, and if the other countries of the world think they have a hair’s chance of survivial without selling their goods to America, let them try and see how it works out for them. It’s a far better short term AND long term strategy, and after we’ve fixed this mess, THEN we can start worrying about what trade regulations are and are not important in day to day commerce, but this stimulus is a US Economic stimulus, period.