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What do you do when someone thinks you betrayed their trust (divulged a secret) and you haven't?
Remember this situation?
Well, when Xgirl and I had that long conversation in the bathroom, she specifically and repeatedly asked me not to mention any of her thoughts, feelings, or opinions to Yguy.
I didn’t.
Now, a month later, Yguy suddenly emailed Xgirl in an attempt to smooth things over and eliminate the awkwardness. (He is still in a committed relationship and was only hoping to smooth over a friendship with Xgirl, not get back together with her.)
Xgirl immediately called me to ask if I had told Yguy what she had said about him when she told me the whole story. When I affirmed that I hadn’t, she asked if he was on the rocks with his girlfriend and if that could be the reason. I said that they were doing fine and that I wasn’t sure what the reason was, other than he wanted to find closure and make things less awkward.
A half hour or so after we got off the phone, I felt really bad that she had thought I told him, so I sent her a facebook message reassuring her that her thoughts on the matter were safe with me and that I hope his email wasn’t too emotionally stressful for her, etc.
Anyway, I’m sure she still has doubts about whether I told him the things she said about her feelings about the situation. I’m just so upset that she probably thinks she can’t trust me anymore, and I didn’t do anything to betray her trust!
If you were Xgirl, would you think that I had told him what she said? I mean, she called me to ask if I did, but even if I had, it’s not like I would say, “OH YEAH, I told him!”
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