General Question

tennesseejac's avatar

Whats the longest amount of time you have been without a shower or bath?

Asked by tennesseejac (3778points) February 5th, 2009

how long could you go?

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21 Answers

steve6's avatar

3 or 4 days and it was horrible

buster's avatar

I used to live at a house called the PBR Ranch or Poor Boy Ranch. We prided ourselves on our accumulation of dirt and filth. We were a bunch of scumbag skaters. I went 3–4 days easy without a shower sometimes even a week and I was the cleanest one on the ranch. I usually take one every day or two nowadays though.

Bluefreedom's avatar

When I was in basic training in the Army, we did a one week bivouac in the back country of Fort McClellan, Alabama living out of small two person tents. Cleaning yourself meant dipping your steel pot (helmet) into a 55 gallon drum of cold water and washing yourself with that water, a rag, a bar of soap, and a towel two sizes too small.

Going for a week without a bath or shower is something that I never want to experience ever again. Nowadays, the longest I have ever gone without bathing and will ever go without is 2 days, if that.

tennesseejac's avatar

I was just thinking about this after reading the recent release of the 2009 Bonnaroo lineup and Im reminded of going Wednesday to Sunday with no shower in the hotass Tennessee summer the first couple of years I attended.
But they do have this
which once looked like this

steve6's avatar

Who are some of the big names performing this year? Is it in Manchester or something like that? I know it’s not too far from Lexington. What are the dates?

tennesseejac's avatar

@steve6 PHISH, Elvis Costello, BeastieBoys, Al Green, NIN…............ Manchester TN, June 11–14, 2009 (about 3 hours from Louisville, dont know about Lexington)

StellarAirman's avatar

During “warrior week” at basic training I didn’t shower. The showers didn’t have any hot water (not even a nozzle for it, just “cold”) so it really wasn’t worth it. When changing uniforms I’d wipe off with some paper towels at the sink but that was about it. It wasn’t worth getting completely undressed and trying to shower in a tiny room with 50 other guys to try to shower. You had to undress in a room standing up with a couple of inches of water on the floor anyway, so all of your clothes would have been soaked, you’d be freezing, and of course you had about 5 minutes to accomplish all of that as well. So yeah, paper towels at the sink is the way to go.

steve6's avatar

excellent! no radiohead?

dlm812's avatar

3 days while camping/4 wheeling in West Virginia. It was disgusting since I like to mud and it was raining off and on the whole time. I was equipped with baby wips for the important parts though :)

imhellokitty's avatar

I was in the hospital for over a month, I think it was three weeks before they let me take a shower. Ewwwe.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Two days, even while in hospital.

cage's avatar

5 days Leeds festival 2006. Amazing.

juniper's avatar

2 weeks on a river rafting trip. Without soap, the river didn’t help much. If it weren’t for the 100 degree weather and my 8 shower-free companions, it wouldn’t have been so bad. Ha! I had to shower three times in a row to get rid of that grime.

Blondesjon's avatar

On purpose or by choice?

tennesseejac's avatar

@Blondesjon isnt that the same thing?
if you do something on purpose isnt that your choice?

Blondesjon's avatar

@tennesseejac…Forced by circumstance or by choice?

hurry up…i got some filth to go waller in

tennesseejac's avatar

@Blondesjon well, just which ever is the longest (which i hope is the “forced by circumstance”)
*just for fun, why not explain both….

free's avatar

after the first month or two you really don’t notice anymore. the layers of grime kinda just peel off. just the months that have a ‘r’ in them….

dlm812's avatar

@free That response made me think of Goldmember in the last Austin Powers movie when he keeps peeling off parts of his skin and eating them.

bea2345's avatar

About 3 or 4 days. I was working towards my final exams. I stopped eating and sleeping too. But when I was undergoing radiation treatment, I had to wash out of a bucket for over 6 weeks – I think the idea was that the water would wash off the effects of the radiation or something.

YoBob's avatar

10 days on a backpacking/hunting trip in the Rockies (unless you count a minor rub down with a warm wet cloth).

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