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KrystaElyse's avatar

Do you think accents make a person more attractive?

Asked by KrystaElyse (3601points) February 6th, 2009

A while ago I met this guy at a bar who had an Australian accent. I wasn’t initially attracted to him, but once he opened his mouth and spoke, I totally swooned.

Has this happened to anyone else? What are your favorite accents?

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53 Answers

peyton_farquhar's avatar

I think charm, kindness, sincerity, and the warmth of human compassion make a person more attractive.
just kidding, i would date a British asshole before an American sweetheart any day.

Allie's avatar

Oh my goodness, yes it’s happened to me. Also with an Australian accent. Most accents are nice though. Most, not all…

whackyrusty's avatar

I dated a girl who loved it whenever I spoke with an Irish accent. I was just joking around, but she got really excited about it.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I think an accent kind of lends an exotic flair to a person and I would find it appealing if a person I was interested in had an accent.

A favorite accent of mine is that of Indian origin because it has a British tinge to it in the times that I have heard them.

And no, I don’t mean the customer service representatives that you can never understand when your call for computer technical support gets routed to India.

jrpowell's avatar

If RichardHenry was in the same room with me it would take a baseball bat to my head to keep me out of his pants.

I’m straight too. The accent is powerful enough to get me to switch teams.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

accents are good .. but they don’t go so far as to make ugly people super-models.. it takes more than a accent to keep me goin

cyrusbond's avatar

Yeah, definatly. I’d have to say a girl with a Aussie accent would have to be my favorite. Nothing too outrageous, but just enough to be exotic.

On a side note, does anyone have the problem of acting like a parrot when another accent is around? I’m American, but one of my friends from Aussie Land visited, and I’m still talking with that accent.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@cyrusbond. I don’t have a problem with anyone that parrots another accent and it certainly isn’t something that I would ever do. If I tried it, I’d probably butcher it so badly I’d be setting myself up for a major bitch slap.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

God help us if there are those who would bitchslap the likes of Bluefreedom.

KrystaElyse's avatar

@cyrusbond – I love trying to imitate accents! i’m definitely not great, but it’s still fun anyway :o)

cyrusbond's avatar

@Bluefreedom Nah, it’s not that it gets me into trouble, because for some uncanny reason I pull it off quite well. I just thought about it, and I found it odd that I do it without even thinking. Just in the matter of one or two conversations.

I did say “aboout” instead of “about” in front of a couple canadains I was working with and they almost punched me because they thought I was making fun of them…lol.

@KrystaElyse It is fun, especially after you’ve been drinking! However, my lingustics ability is inversly related to my drinking ability…I can’t use them at the same time.

cyrusbond's avatar

Oh, and sorry for getting off topic. Won’t happen again. Promise on a stack of National Geographics!

@peyton_farquhar What if I’m an American asshole? I guess I’m just screwed both ways. No drama. Lol.

whackyrusty's avatar

@cyrusbond Yup, I can’t help but mildly imitate accents. What’s that about? Are we subconsciously trying to ‘resonate’ with them?

cyrusbond's avatar

@whackyrusty That’d be my guess…either it’s because we are under pressure to fit in, maybe a survival mechanism from back in the day…

Better idea though- there is something called a Mirror Neuron Response. Basically monkey see, monkey do. You ever wonder why when you see someone yawn, you yawn? Or vice versa? It’s actually a proven phenominon.

Maybe it’s just our way of saying “Hey, you talk cool! I wanna be like you when I grow up!” lol.

pathfinder's avatar

That depende whitch one you are met..

augustlan's avatar

I do love an accent!

I also unintentionally mimic accents…

mcbealer's avatar

I used to work at a copy center, and my favorite customer was a guy who wore an Indian Jones hat and spoke with an Australian accent :)

@augustlan and @cyrusbond falling into accents also happens to me! I was just telling someone about that the other day, I thought I was in the minority…

laureth's avatar

Among other things, but yes!!

And I can also listen to whole other languages for hours at a time, if spoken in person. They could be reading the New York Times in Polish or Russian and I’d just curl up into a ball of SQUEE! It’s like that woman in “A Fish Called Wanda.” Seriously.

augustlan's avatar

@laureth Lurve for ‘ball of SQUEE’ :)

dlm812's avatar

A good Irish, Australian, or “USA Southern Boy” accent will do me in any day… but so will fast cars and the sound of a Cummins engine. Maybe I am just turned on too easily?

DrBill's avatar

Want to go to the pub to get a beer to go with your shrimp on the barbee, y’all?

Mr_M's avatar

When I call Tech Support and they’re based in India, NO! I don’t find the person more attractive.

janbb's avatar

@ johnpowell – richardhenry is more likely to use a cricket bat, wouldn’t that do?

I love listening to accents and trying to guess where the person is from. When I’m in England, which is quite frequently since my husband is English (I married him for the accent), I try to figure out where in England a person is from by their regional accent. I do tend to pick up the intonation and the slang when I am there, but nobody can really take the Jersey Girl out of me. (And I’m not talking Channel Islands either!)

Bri_L's avatar

I (american) dated a girl from the Dominican Republic in college. I loved her accent.

I guess I do find them sexy but not always. The same accent can come off harsh from another person.

Darwin's avatar

Interestingly enough this is all related to biology. In genetic studies of various species the individual who is different is more attractive to mates. The theory is that this is a mechanism to prevent or reduce inbreeding and to broaden the gene pool.

Whether we like it or not, humans are just another species and so we too are attracted to the person who is different. Hence, the love of the Mediterranean peoples for blonds, the reason why blue-eyed folks seem more attracted to brown-eyed folks than to other blue-eyed people, and the attractiveness of someone with an accent.

timeand_distance's avatar

English Accents = <3

Simple as that.

dlm812's avatar

@Bri_L There is a girl in one of my classes from the Dominican Republic and I love listening to her talk! One of my favorite accents for women.

aprilsimnel's avatar

It depends. I’ve heard enough different accents at this point in my life that I need a little more from the fellow to actually get to swooning.

I’ll give it to Tom Baker, though. His accent’s the best of all, combined with his natural baritone and the particular timbre of his voice. He’s the gold standard, him! ::SIGH! plop!::

dlm812's avatar

@Darwin I agree with all of that… except the eye color part. I’m a blonde haired, blue eyed girl and while I don’t find most blonde haired men attractive, I think there is nothing sexier than a dark haired guy with baby blue eyes (i.e. my fiance).

Well he could have been a bit more attractive off the bat if he had an accent, but I can’t exactly hold that against him :)

wundayatta's avatar

@Darwin I would have said that if you hadn’t said it already. I’ll address another question that was raised above, about why people try to imitate the accents of others.

I find that when I go to another part of the country, say Southern Ohio, or North Carolina, I quickly find my accent changing. If I’m there for more that a few days, I’ve almost completely changed. This change happens without me willing it, and sometimes I get self-consious about it, feeling like a poseur or something.

Just as the attraction to difference is good for the gene pool, which helps survival of the species, so is melting into a new culture helpful for survival of the individual. Once you’ve been married in, so to speak, you need to take up the culture of where you are, or people, eventually, will find you disrespectful. This is why Americans hate the idea of foreigners who don’t speak English. They think it is disrespectful.

So, when you are at a bar, and you find yourself imitating the Aussie or the Brit, they are probably doing a similar thing, as you try to arrive at a mutual accent somewhere in between.

asmonet's avatar

I get happy when richardhenry and cage talk.
What does that tell you?

Jack79's avatar

First of all Krysta you gotta tell what bars you hang out in, so I can come meet you ;)

Just kidding, I don’t really have an Australian accent except in words such as “today” and “yesterday” which I of course pronounce as “to die” and “yes, to die”. The rest sounds more or less British, and soft at that.

I really love Dutch and Portuguese accents, and also Dutch and Portuguese (both the language and the people). I also love Czechs, and their language, though not the accent when speaking English. I absolutely hate anything French and especially them Frogs slaughtering the English language. I don’t see how people can find that romantic, yuk!

tb1570's avatar

Does a drunken slur count as an accent?

zephyr826's avatar

It seems that the accent is always a turn-on. When I was living in France during college, people would often come up to us to comment on our “sexy” American accents. I originally thought they were joking.

My husband loves it when I speak French. I personally prefer Irish, Scotch, or Welsh. I love Welsh.

Bri_L's avatar

@dlm812 – Yeah, I found it rather fetching myself.

wildflower's avatar

Most of the time it just makes them harder to understand…

timeand_distance's avatar

@asmonet Yeah! Me too. Except when cage is here, after a few days I don’t even realize he has an accent anymore, and that sucks. :(

asmonet's avatar

At least you get to hear it in person!
I get a few minutes of vimeo stuff, though…there is that boxer shot…

Don’t worry boys, I won’t stalk you.

Jeruba's avatar

Some accents do attract me, and what pleases my ear may not please yours, just as we have different tastes in music. Some accents would definitely turn me off. An accent that’s distasteful to me would keep me from getting involved with a person because I simply would not want to hear it all the time.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I went home with a priest because he had an Australian accent….

granted, I wasn’t aware that he was in the seminary when I did so, but that’s beside the point.

desiree333's avatar

english accents are the sexiest thing in the world. Like Jude Law in The Holiday.

desiree333's avatar

@titsmcgee, i love autralian accents too.

timeand_distance's avatar

@desiree333 like jude law in ANYTHING.


jellyfish's avatar

I have just met new australian guy who adores my u.k accent!

amanderveen's avatar

I find mein Honig’s accent pretty sexy. :o)

tnatwo14's avatar

I like some accents, and dislike others, though the accent is the most trivial part. It’s usually more than just their accent I notice, in addition to grammer, vocabulary, articulation, and just how well spoken they are or aren’t. It plays a pretty big part in first impressions and how you see someone.

pinkgirl02's avatar

american accents,i could listen to it all day.

Crashsequence2012's avatar

Accents can ABSOLUTELY have an influence on attractiveness.

I’m afraid that I’m more sensitive to the negative in this case.

We’re all aware of the beauty in a sing song UK accent, or the assertive yet delicate voice of the French.

HOWEVER the angry, percussive style used by Middle Easterners while shouting into their cellphones makes me want to punch someone.

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