Who here is fond of Astrochuck?
Asked by
adri027 (
February 6th, 2009
from iPhone
I know I can always find a giggle wherever he is. So thank you.
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134 Answers
I think it might be easier to ask who isn’t fond of AstroChuck!!!
I just adore that goofy little character!!!
When it comes to a sharp wit and great off the cuff comments, he is definitely the number one performer here on Fluther, in my opinion.
Thanks for all the good laughs, AC. Keep em’ coming. :o)
This has to be at least the third question I have seen devoted to AC. At his best, his humor keeps us from taking things too seriously. I join in tipping my hat to him.
I watched Fluther for two weeks before joining in.
I saw quite a few socalled quips from astrochuck and having been asked the question above and reading the fluther guidelines this guy Astrochuck is an IDIOT and not in the least bit funny.
In fact some of his“quips“are ill timed and make fun of serious issues which is wrong!
So my answer is IDIOT.
AC is awesome…and so is chuck
<Insert Bri_L’s comment here>
I’m thinking about bringing out an action figure. ;-)
Given the fact that he’s only around 6 years old and that he was raised by Badgers; I think he has a very well developed sense of humor!
bythebay <== Astrochuck in disguise?
Good one!!!!
I lurve AC!
@leeds,...wow just wow.
I’m with leed. This guy sucks!
I’m wondering why he’s not famous yet. Or maybe he is and the “postman” business is a secret identity…
I wish I could point to a few examples, but I think it’s really cool how he always seems to find a way to extract fun out of messages without making fun of them. Like I said in another question, when do AstroChuck classes start?
(Damn, I wrote that before realizing that imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery. I wouldn’t want his head to swell so large that it pops!)
I lurve that little guy. :)
Well i find what he does is against fluther rules.
And if it happens again i will be reporting it.
@leeds: You’re entitled as a user to flag whatever you find offensive.
But head’s up. Chuckie is seriously well loved, the majority does not have the same opinion as you. While your opinion is valid, as it’s yours…it won’t find many friends here.
@asmonet,where would we be without rules?Germany!
@leeds: What rules do you believe him to be in violation of?
@bythebay,random quips,no content in his answers,off topic.
Hmmm, maybe you should read the guidelines again as I don’t see anything mentioned about random quips or humor. You do understand that his answers are meant to be humorous, right?
Perhaps his humor is not to your taste, but it’s not moving thread off topic, per se.
Actually, anarchy. One could make the case that Germany had a very well thought out list of rules. Bullshit, but a system nonetheless.
Try to keep Germany out of your jokes unless it makes sense.
In other news, how have you been oasis?
If you are sure then whats the problem?
I like AC, and I want to be just like him when I grow up. Sounds like someone either (a.) has no friggin sense of humor, or is (b.) bloody jealous of the lurve AC gets here.
Keep up whatever it is you do, AC, and if it gets serious and you have to go to court, give me a call, I’ll be a character witness. Everyone knows I am quite the character, even those people who think I am an asshole.’ :-)
Just out of curiosity, what the hell does Germany have to do with anything?
You know what I like most about Fluther.com?
The tangents. Oh look a butterfly
@Sakata, that’s not a butterfly that’s a… oh look a duck.
@asmonet: There’s cake pie in the frizzer, help yourself!
Do I have to check under the swimming pool?
isn’t someone under the pool?
the person who gives out cakes and pies is.
Did you see the giant pink amoeba?
@daloon: duh…in the frizzer, next to all the cakes!
@bythebay: My God! Next to the cakes?!? It must be a sign!
The sign by the swimming pool?
Quick lets run to the beach,i need my stomach pumping.
No, the sign by AstroChucks house!
love the mailman. save the world.
Move your cursor!
It’s a performance art piece, a meditation on anticipation. Shh.
waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting
OH, he went away.
Oh quick,oh my ribs.quick i see the green clouds run far from the paviours.
AC is a riot. Fluther wouldn’t be as awesome without his witty remarks :o)
Carbonisation means free coal for all in the year DOT
AstroChuck is a person? And here I thought it was that fake grass they use at some baseball stadiums. :)
@Mr_M: What you’re thinking of is called astrolawn…. or something. I’m told they grow it up on satellites.
@daloon, I got it now. It’s AstroTurf. AstroChuck is what happens if you EAT AstroTurf.
@Mr_M: Doh! I knew that! Astrolawn! What was I thinking? Maybe the jello was green? Or is that a different question? I’m so confused. And I haven’t even been drinking. I think I need some of that smart pill.
Astrochuck funny funny funny! And not in that “no really funny” sort of way
Response moderated
Some of the piranha are really additives.
hey ho!!!! Hey ho!! Hey ho!!
I wasn’t done yet..boomshakalakalaka boom!!
I think RandomMrdan has passed out at his desk with his forehead pressed onto the keyboard.
er, sure, as long as you don’t expect us to chip in for a present or something. I haven’t been here that long, but so far I think I like everyone. Even though I don’t always agree with everyone, the disagreements seem to be civilised and polite, and everybody’s really helpful. Astrochuck is a typical example of this.
RandomMrDan! Come back to us! Step away from the light!!!
I’m leaving to head over to RandomMrdan’s house, maybe he just needs some cake to revive him!
Crap! Maybe he’s trapped in the frizzer!!!
Or even worse, Loser – he might be under the pool.
What if RamdomMrdan is a robot? A malfunctioning robot? Who needs cake? And is under the pool?
I hope he doesn’t just close the page and sees what’s he has done here.
Read above: Maybe that wasn’t a butterfly, duck or an ivory woodpecker; maybe that was RandomMrdan!
Oh my, I thought he was gone for a second and I was so sad. But there he is!
gasp maybe he’s going to eat all of the pancakes we keep in the frizzer. Ohhh nuuuu!!! D:
I want my “Mail” Astro Chuck is a god!
@RandomMrdan watch…day twenty five…the collective is tense…the country is on the edge of its seat…how long will this go on?
back to you asmonet in the studio
I like Charles fine. His questions are some of my all-time favorites. Here is a great example.
He’s a great all-around guy (and Federal employee) despite his taste in music. zing! sorry :^D
I’ve searched high & low. In the frizzer, behind the cakes. Under the pool and underneath the enormous stack of pancakes. I even checked in Germany, no sign of the RandomMrdan.
I’ve exhausted my search, now we wait…and hope. We can’t pray because that would be controversial for Fluther; so we’ll just hope; I’m pretty sure hoping is acceptable. Hope is good.
hahahaha ahhh man, I love this website so much…I’m not sure what I’d do without it.
above is what I wanted to say…I clicked Answer! right before walking out the door for work, but I must have missed it, or it didnt register…haha sorry to keep you all waiting in suspense. I wanted to say this right after chuck said “I’m with leed. This guy sucks!”
I wouldn’t be surprised though if I did pass out on the keyboard, I was out drinking last night, got so completely drunk that I passed out on a friend of a friends couch with my coat, gloves, and shoes all still on me. Good times.
Hey RandomMrdan, so glad you’re back safe & sound!
so what are we gonna talk about now everybody?
There’s always the frizzer?
@cprevite: I’m sorry, I was doing naughty things to our guest for the interview segment. I apologize.
He had an accent.
It seems the show went on without me. All is well. :)
@RandomMrdan: You’re broken. lol4rl.
Thanks for the laughs. :)
I think this thread has gotten off on a tangent… or is that it has gotten onto an off tangent. Where were we again? Oh yeah, accolades to the MIghty AstroChuck! All hail The Astro Chuck. Someone should start an AC religion called AstroChuckism.
We believe in AstroChuck, the Fluther Almighty. Maker of comments and jokes. Sometimes seen and not seen. Of one being with Fluther…
And the Great Pink Amoeba. Don’t forget that. Or is it pink lemonade? No matter. Believe away!
I believe I’ll have another drink now…
I think Leeds might just be envious of all the lurve Chuck gets.
AstrumCarolus noster, qui es in aetheris:
sanctificetur Saccus Tuum;
adveniat Cursorii Tuum;
fiat Jocationis Tua,
sicut in Circumitus, et in Fluthera.
Facetia nostra cotidianeum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis constitutum hominis pigrum,
Sicut et nos dimittimus hominis pigrus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in taedium;
sed libera nos a Odi.
Mind you, Jellies, my Latin’s pretty bad.
Yes, I think leeds just invented the term “Lurve Envy”!!!
Stop it, everybody. I’m having trouble getting my pope hat on.
It’s got those snaps in the back so you can resize it… duh.
Can somebody please remind AC, ever so gently, that he cannot deliver the mail in the pope-mobile…
I would like my mailman a whole lot more is he delivered mail in a pope hat and a pope mobile.
As it is now it’s all iPods and cell phones for that dude.
Our mail is always for the neighbors. :(
Oh Goodness. AstroChuck I like you a lot, but his first quip was right on. I can’t believe how his posts don’t get removed for off-topicness. It is terrible, and I was too afraid to say it. It is very bias.
Lurve dude.
@90s_kid: Are you sure that’s not just your hatred toward your brother talking?
Quick with the updates, huh.
i think astrochuck is one of the most charming characteristics (if that makes sense?) of fluther.
can you guys fathom how awesome it would be if chuck was your neighbor?
I’d settle for him being my mailman.
Can I pay you in lollipops, little man?
I want chuck to be my neighbor!!
I lurve Astrochuck! He was the first person to welcome me to fluther, he’s a citizen of the universe and a gentleman to boot. :D
YAY Astrochuck!
I like AC, but he is so very old.
I don’t know, he looks kinda young to me!
Well, he’s so very much older than I.
And thus, more distinguished.
He’s not old! He’s only six years old, remember? :)
Hahaha, that just made you more adorable, if possible.
If you’re cute as sh*t, then doesn’t that mean you look like sh*t?
I dont talk to him like a best friend but yes indeed he is hilarious and cute as sh**!!!!
Rock on AstroChuck!!!
Cute little 6 year old! haha
Much evrul. Much evrul
.rewsna daB -esneShtneveS@
Little known fact:
Chuck was brought on board Chevrolet as a consultant for the new pimped out version of the Astro Van. Affectionately known in the market as “Little Chucky”
The trademark lawyers had some issues with it. Astropimpmobile is still available though.
Fluther should sell an AstroChuck bobble head doll along with that tee-shirt…
I’d buy an AstroChuck shirt if such a thing existed, and was for sale here.
I love AstroChuck! Funny and intelligent, there isn’t a bad bone in him. And with a cute avatar like that, who can hate him? Lol.
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