General Question

buster's avatar

Men, do you drink wine coolers? Do you drink them in front of your male buddies? Would you order one in a bar?

Asked by buster (10279points) February 6th, 2009

Personally I think they are gross and if I drink several I get sick. Im pretty sure my buddies would give me shit if I showed up to hangout with some Smirnoffs, Zimas or Mikes Hard Lemonade. I would never order a girly drink for myself at a bar. However if Im at home and I run out of beer and my gf or sister left them in the fridge I might have one or two.

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13 Answers

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I drink whatever I want.. If I see a tasty lookin girly drink I’ll order it.. but for the most part .. I just don’t like them because they are too sweet, sugary, etc

steve6's avatar

I’d rather just drink the wine.

arnbev959's avatar

I have nothing against the principle of ordering one, but I wouldn’t because they taste like crap.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I had no idea Zima was still around. Yuck! PTUI! :P

Girl drinks have other dangers, though.

RandomMrdan's avatar

I’d give my friends a pretty hard time if we were all hanging out at the bar. I’d probably make him feel less of a man.

I’m somewhat of a beer connoisseur…I think for my age at least (24). The sweet drinks like the smirnoffs and zimas always give me a headache after I’ve had a few. Note: the headache is during the drinking, not the next day while I’m waking up.

And I remember hearing something about Zima stopping production or they’re not going to be around for much longer, something of the sort.

To sum up my answers…No on all accounts.

gooch's avatar

No way. First they are yucky. Secondly they are yucky.

PupnTaco's avatar

No, no, and no. Life’s too short to drink shitty stuff.

Now, a well-made sangria, on the other hand….

loser's avatar

Real men drink winecoolers!
when they run out of beer.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Is Mike’s really considered a “wine cooler”? I’m a chick, but I definitely get Mike’s and mix it with vodka.

Blondesjon's avatar

@loser…I love you man, but when you run out of beer you need to go to bed or get more beer.

peedub's avatar

I drink Wild Turkey and Colt 45. Neither makes any ‘coolers,’ so no.

cwilbur's avatar

Real men aren’t afraid to drink what they want to drink.

That said, wine coolers are vile—drinks like Mike’s Hard Lemonade or Smirnoff Ice aren’t bad (and also aren’t wine coolers, since, y’know, there’s no wine in them).

PupnTaco's avatar

There’s no wine in most wine coolers, either—malt liquor, same as Mike’s Hard Whatever.

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